Casual project for me to learn the ropes of Unity by re-creating a game that I'm familiar with (Pokemon).
Features implemented: -3D tile-based player movement (8 directions) -Pokemon Battle System --Player move selection --Battle item usage (including Poke Balls to catch wild pokemon) --Party screen & pokemon switching --Enemy "AI" (random move selection currently) --Stat changes --Non-volatile status effects --Damage Calculation from the main game ---Type advantages ---Move Power ---Pokemon stats (user's Atk/SpA and target's Def/SpD) based on move category (physical/special) ---Weather effects ---Random factor -Tall grass that initiates wild battles -Pokemon leveling and evolution -NPCs --Random and scripted movement --Dialog, quests, and gift items/pokemon --Trainer battles --Party healing
I'm a programmer at heart, so my main focus was the game engine not the graphics, plus I was experimenting with both 2D tilesets/sprites and 3D Models as I learned, so the visuals are obviously all placeholders at the moment to let me test the engine