Raw raster files data (100-m resolution) are downloaded from WorldPop and are cropped by the polygon of the province of Vientiane prefecture that is dowloaded from GADM. Data are not projected (EPSG:4326), with coordinates expressed in decimal degrees. Adjusted population sizes are corrected so that the total population size in the raster corresponds to the UN country estimate. All the details are in the cleaning pipeline.
Cleaned data can be downloaded as follows:
- Population
- VT_popmap10_admin001.tif (2.1 MB)
- VT_popmap10adj_admin001.tif (2.1 MB)
- VT_popmap15_admin001.tif (2.1 MB)
- VT_popmap15adj_admin001.tif (2.1 MB)
- Urban change
- VT00urbchg.tif (342 KB)
- VT10urbchg.tif (343 KB)
These raster can be loaded directly in R as so:
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
download.file("https://www.dropbox.com/s/b1byouuilije6ly/VT_popmap10_admin001.tif?raw=1", tmp)
VT_popmap10 <- raster(tmp)
download.file("https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ottfpf34oznywx/VT_popmap10adj_admin001.tif?raw=1", tmp)
VT_popmap10adj <- raster(tmp)
download.file("https://www.dropbox.com/s/kc8rq5mh6tq2sxk/VT_popmap15_admin001.tif?raw=1", tmp)
VT_popmap15 <- raster(tmp)
download.file("https://www.dropbox.com/s/snthubnbx2i4en5/VT_popmap15adj_admin001.tif?raw=1", tmp)
VT_popmap15adj <- raster(tmp)
download.file("https://www.dropbox.com/s/wdl4mqvod5w0x2t/VT00urbchg.tif?raw=1", tmp)
VT00urbchg <- raster(tmp)
download.file("https://www.dropbox.com/s/n8hqh2vs6b72fmi/VT10urbchg.tif?raw=1", tmp)
VT10urbchg <- raster(tmp)