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Shauna edited this page Oct 21, 2019 · 2 revisions

3 Month Roadmap Ending August 31st 2019

By Goal

Improve testing

  1. Research best practices for unit testing compute-heavy software. [SGM]
  2. Get coverage of key HARK functions.* [MNW; PKM, CDC and SGM will help as needed.]

Improve documentation

  1. Move documentation to ReadTheDocs, set up auto-updating, etc.* [SGM will manage contract with RTD]
  2. Re-organize project information.* [SGM]
  3. Create “how to use HARK” walkthrough using Jupyter notebook, based on content from the HARK Manual. [MNW]

Create and improve access to instructional content

  1. Create comprehensive index of content in all of the repos and notebooks, probably on* [SGM will manage contract with A-S]
  2. Add 2 to 3 new “real” notebooks corresponding to papers which use HARK.* [CDC]
  3. Speed up loading of REMARKs using JupyterHub or alternative.* [SGM]

Grow community

  1. Create a community growth plan and priorities list.* [SGM]
  2. Hire a community manager to implement growth plan. [SGM]
  3. Raise awareness of toolkit through courses & presentations.* [CDC]

Improve HARK functionality

  1. Add features to HARK re: risky investments and housing choice.* [PKM; CDC and MNW supporting]


  1. integrate Pablo’s student(s) with ongoing HARK development* [CDC]
  2. recruit someone to replace Patrick* [CDC]
  3. respond to SFF* [CDC]

By Contributor


Point person:

  1. Add 2 to 3 new “real” notebooks corresponding to papers which use HARK.* [CDC]
  2. Raise awareness of toolkit through courses & presentations.* [CDC]
  3. Integrate Pablo’s student(s) with ongoing HARK development* [CDC]
  4. Recruit someone to replace Patrick* [CDC]
  5. Respond to SFF* [CDC]


  1. Add features to HARK re: risky investments and housing choice.* [PKM; CDC and MNW supporting]
  2. Get coverage of key HARK functions.* [MNW; PKM, CDC and SGM will help as needed.]


Point person:

  1. Get coverage of key HARK functions.* [MNW; PKM, CDC and SGM will help as needed.]
  2. Create “how to use HARK” walkthrough using Jupyter notebook, based on content from the HARK Manual. [MNW]


  1. Add features to HARK re: risky investments and housing choice.* [PKM; CDC and MNW supporting]


Point person:

  1. Research best practices for unit testing compute-heavy software. [SGM]
  2. Move documentation to ReadTheDocs, set up auto-updating, etc.* [SGM will manage contract with RTD]
  3. Re-organize project information.* [SGM]
  4. Create comprehensive index of content in all of the repos and notebooks, probably on* [SGM will manage contract with A-S]
  5. Speed up loading of REMARKs using JupyterHub or alternative.* [SGM]
  6. Create a community growth plan and priorities list.* [SGM]
  7. Hire a community manager to implement growth plan. [SGM]


  1. Get coverage of key HARK functions.* [MNW; PKM, CDC and SGM will help as needed.]


Point person:

  1. Add features to HARK re: risky investments and housing choice.* [PKM; CDC and MNW supporting]


  1. Get coverage of key HARK functions.* [MNW; PKM, CDC and SGM will help as needed.]

3 Month Roadmap ending May 31st 2019

By Goal

Improve testing

  1. Implement automatic testing for pull requests.* [SGM, PKM]
  2. Research best practices for unit testing compute-heavy software.* [SGM, PKM]
  3. Get coverage of key HARK functions.* [CDC, MNW, PKM]

Improve documentation

  1. Set up Sphinx auto-updating.* [SGM]
  2. Create “how to use HARK” walkthrough using Jupyter notebook, based on content from the HARK Manual. [MNW]

Make project development easier

  1. Implement release system, accommodate small releases. [SGM]
  2. Keep repo branches clean. [MNM, CDC]

Create and improve access to instructional content

  1. Create comprehensive index of content in all of the repos and notebooks, probably on [MNW, A-S, SGM]
  2. Add 2 to 3 new “real” notebooks corresponding to papers which use HARK.* [CDC]
  3. Speed up loading of REMARKs using JupyterHub or alternative.* [SGM]

Improve communications

  1. Provide regular status updates to funders and sponsors.* [SGM]
  2. Create public roadmapping process.* [SGM]
  3. Quick response and consistent follow up to emails, PRs, and issues filed.* [SGM]

Grow community

  1. Create an econARK community blog. [MNW, SGM]
  2. Look into hiring a community manager. [SGM, CDC]
  3. Conduct 1-2 sprints and plan for more. [SGM, JMK]

Improve HARK functionality

  1. Integrate PKM’s tools.* [CDC, PKM]
  2. Add features to HARK re: risky investments and housing choice. [CDC, PKM]

By Contributor


Point person:

  1. Get unit test coverage of key HARK functions.*
  2. Keep repo branches clean.
  3. Add 2 to 3 new “real” notebooks corresponding to papers which use HARK.*
  4. Integrate PKM’s tools into HARK.*
  5. Add features to HARK re: risky investments and housing choice.


  1. Look into hiring a community manager.


Point person:

  1. Get unit test coverage of key HARK functions.*
  2. Create “how to use HARK” walkthrough using Jupyter notebook, based on content from the HARK Manual.
  3. Keep repo branches clean.
  4. Create comprehensive index of content in all of the repos and notebooks, probably on
  5. Create an econARK community blog.


Point person:

  1. Implement automatic testing for pull requests.*
  2. Research best practices for unit testing compute-heavy software.*
  3. Set up Sphinx auto-updating.*
  4. Implement release system, accommodate small releases.
  5. Speed up loading of REMARKs using JupyterHub or alternative.*
  6. Provide regular status updates to funders and sponsors.*
  7. Create public roadmapping process.*
  8. Quick response and consistent follow up to emails, PRs, and issues filed.*
  9. Look into hiring a community manager.
  10. Conduct 1-2 sprints and plan for more.


  1. Create comprehensive index of content in all of the repos and notebooks, probably on
  2. Create an econARK community blog.



  1. Implement automatic testing for pull requests.*
  2. Research best practices for unit testing compute-heavy software.*
  3. Get coverage of key HARK functions.*
  4. Integrate PKM’s tools.*
  5. Add features to HARK re: risky investments and housing choice.



  1. Conduct 1-2 sprints and plan for more.