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🌳 Ecosia for Android (Chromium)

Getting involved

The Ecosia team is small and currently has limited capacity to involve the open-source community. We won't be reviewing issues or pull requests for now but are working towards changing this in the future.

Thank you note

Ecosia for Android is based on a fork of the code of "Chromium for Android". We want to express our gratitude to all the original contributors and Google for releasing your code to the world.

💾 Getting started

Recommended Build System

  • 64-bit machine
  • 4GB or higher RAM
  • 8GB or higher swap space
  • 100GB or higher free hard-disk space
  • 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04/ 20.04

Build instructions

Instructions provided in this page are similar to Chromium's build instructions.

See more references and links here

Setup your system

Update Linux packages

sudo apt-get update


git version is 2.18.0+ is required, instructions here

(This is to avoid a bug while tracking png files)


Python 2.7 is required for building Chromium

sudo apt-get install python -f

Python 3 is used for specific tools, like the strings replacement script

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6

We use lxml as xml parser for the strings replacement script

sudo apt-get install python3-lxml


  1. Get depot_tools
git clone
  1. Add depot_tools to ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/depot_tools


Ensure that JDK is set to JDK 8

sudo update-alternatives --config java

It is enough to check if 'java-8-openjdk-amd64' is listed for now since the build process sets this automatically.

If 'java-8-openjdk-amd64' is not listed then install it:

sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jdk

After this, set up the following to OpenJDK 8:

sudo update-alternatives --config javac
sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo update-alternatives --config javaws
sudo update-alternatives --config javap
sudo update-alternatives --config jar
sudo update-alternatives --config jarsigner

Getting the source code

The following instructions will lead to a clean checkout and compile. This will take your whole day. There is a shortcut described in a later section called 'Getting a cached built'.

Clone the repo

  1. Create a chromium parent directory and cd there
mkdir chromium && cd chromium
  1. Clone the repository to the src directory. Insert the shallow-since when you want to save disk space and we don't necessarily need the history before August 2020.
git clone --shallow-since=2020-08-01 src

Make sure you checkout the right branch before you continue as the default might not be your desired one.

Your target branch might not be listed (for example if your target is a newer version but we didn't make that our default branch yet). If so, you can do the following:

git fetch origin <target-branch>:<target-branch> --depth 100
git checkout <target-branch>

Pull current versions of key build files

There are some scripts used during the build which may not execute anymore due to external changes. You may very well consider updating them at this point (you can verify this by looking for your OS name within the, if it's missing, you'll need a newer version). Those are the files in question:

PLEASE NOTE: The file from above might still not execute correctly, therefore please check that it contains your ubuntu version code name. Look for the following snippet:


If missing, just add your version code to it. You can find out the latter by entering the following command:

lsb_release -c

Prepare build environment

Set environment variables needed for builds, by adding the following in your bash profile. Find the values in Bitwarden.


Don't forget to re-source or restart the terminal after this step!

Get third parties and run hooks


Note: On your first build you likely will need to run the "getThirdParties" script with sudo permissions.

(Optional) to log performance output to autoninja builds, use the environment variable NINJA_SUMMARIZE_BUILD=1, either set or export it in your bash profile.

First build

The first build will take quite long depending on the power of the system you are using (minimum 6 hours). The ninja build system is optimised for incremental builds though, so the dev, build, test cycle will be okay, maybe something more like 2 minutes for changes only to some java files.

You must consider your first build as part of the setup because it takes so long. See the build section to do your first build.

Getting a cached build

We provide zip-files which contain a shallow checkout of our codebase including all dependencies and a cached build for arm debug.

A cached build can be triggered by creating a tag containing the word cached. The files will show up in the CircleCI artifacts tab. Those artifacts only last 30 days.

After having downloaded the cached build, some steps need to be taken to convert it to a working environment.

  1. Download the zip files into a folder
  2. Concatenate the parts
cat* > ~/
  1. Unzip
unzip -d /target-direcoty

Getting a vanilla build

We provide a mechanism to create vanilla Chromium builds of the same major.

A vanilla build can be triggered by creating a tag prefixing with vanilla_ followed by the desired Chromium version-tag. For example vanilla_111.0.5563.116.

This will create a monochrome3264 build and upload it to appcenter.

Convert cached folder to a working directory

The folder contains a shallow .git with a single tag of depth 1. To use it, the usual git commands needs adaptation. Some examples:

Fetching a new branch

git fetch --update-shallow origin ecosia-111.0.5563.58:ecosia-111.0.5563.58

Pushing to remote

git push origin --set-upstream ecosia-111.0.5563.58

🛠️ Contributing code

There are some useful tools for managing Ecosia flavoured chromium in our scripts folder.


If you will be testing your changes on a device then you will want to build an arm configuration, if on the other hand you will be using the emulator, then you will want to build x86 or x64.

From the src directory, use our build script.

e.g. for debug arm build:

autoninja -C out/debug_arm chrome_public_apk

The resultant apk is in src/out/debug_arm/apks


Use the chromium tools for easy debug deploys (this will install, run the app, and launch into logcat)

out/debug_arm/bin/chrome_public_apk run


To install the apk file on the device

adb install out/debug_arm/apks/chrome_public_apk

Adding new Android code

All newly added java files have to be added to ecosia_android_sources.gni so that they are packaged into the apk.

Android related additions (such as a new activity) will need to be also referenced in the AndroidManifest.xml (as usual).

Adding Android dependency via gradle

Add your dependency to /src/third_party/android_deps/build.gradle

For example:

compile "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-process:${androidXArchComponentsVersion}"

Run in the same folder.


This will alter third_party/android_deps/ and download all the needed files.

Now this library can be referenced from third party libraries e.g. from /third_party/snowplow/


android_aar_prebuilt("snowplow_java") {
  deps = [
  aar_path = "snowplow-android-tracker-1.4.0.aar"

Add reference to the folder in /chrome/android/

android_library("chrome_java") {
  deps = [

Important: Make sure to not commit any changes to the DEPS file as this would cause gclient sync to fail as the altered libraries are not in a proper cipd repository.

Add third party library (aar)

Get the code (for example from maven) and place into a seprate folder in /third_party e.g. /third_party/snowplow

Create a file describing the build rules. See above how to.

Reference the new folder in /chrome/android/


Run gn args /out/your_directory to have all the gn-files being regenerated.

Make sure to have update_android_aar_prebuilts = true in your list of arguments for this run.

Unit testing

There is a suite of unit tests that test only our implemented logic, they live in chrome/android/junit/src/org/ecosia/.

Build the test suite

ninja -C out/Default ecosia_junit_tests

Then run the tests


One can also run a subset of tests

out/Default/bin/run_ecosia_junit_tests -f "org.ecosia.firstrun.*"

Note that this hasn't been extensively used as yet, and there could be some issues yet.

Integration testing

This is not yet configured. But the files will live in chrome/android/javatests/src/org/ecosia/ and the config and commands will be similar to the unit testing section above.

Run chromium tests

More information about chromium tests in Android Test Instructions

Replacing Google strings

In order to replace the Google default strings into Ecosia, you can use the following python script from src:

python3 scripts/ .

When a string in a grd file changes, the IDs in the corresponding xtb file should change too according to the logic described in GenerateMessageId. The replace_google_strings script will take care of the translations IDs. More information about Chromium strings can be found here:

Translations ⁉️

There are two types of translations to consider. First we are modifying existing chromium strings and this is not using the default android translations flow. The second type is that we DO use default android translations inside our own views (onboarding and new tab page for example).

Automated workflow

We make use of the Transifex-Github-Integration to provide localised string resources.

  1. Change the translation source file chrome/android/java/res_ecosia/values/ecosia_strings.xml on main
    1. This can either be done as part of your PR (takes effect only after merge)
    2. Or you can edit/add it directly in the Transifex web interface (will result in faster translations)
  2. After merge, the integration will read the source file and push it to transifex
  3. A pull request will be created to main as soon as new translations are ready.
  4. Before crafting a RC, make sure that all translations are merged.

Manual Setup (Legacy)

⚠️ This not needed anymore and just being documented in case that the automated process (see section above) does not work.

Create a transifex credentials file in your home directory

echo "[]
api_hostname  =
hostname      =
username      =
password      = [FROM BITWARDEN]
rest_hostname =
token         = [FROM BITWARDEN]
" > ~/.transifexrc

Ecosia views strings

More setup

Install transifex cli

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip install transifex-client
Pull strings
tx pull -f
Add Android Strings

Pull first! Then add string to chrome/android/java/res_ecosia/values/ecosia_strings.xml.

tx push -s

Chromium strings

Adding strings

To add new strings, either add them to transifex (by downloading the json resource, adding the string and re-uploading the file) or use the IDs as already specified in transifex. Then run the translation script:

docker-compose up translations

Alternatively if docker is not configured, use just the python script from src

python3 scripts/translations/ .

Adding resources

You can find our Ecosia resources in chrome/android/java/res_ecosia. Here you can add layouts, drawables, values etc. There are a few things to be aware of:

  1. If you change any files in there (add, rename, remove etc.) then you need to run gn args before building.
  2. These resources are aggregated with existing chromium resources, therefore the file names (and probably ids, names etc.) need to be different to avoid conflict. The practice is usually to prepend ecosia_ for example.
  3. After adding new resources, they should be included in ecosia_java_resources.gni. In this same file, at the top, there is a useful script that helps creating the list.

Add ecosia resources to another chromium package.

Chromium Code is strictly modularized. To be able to access our strings and resources in a package which is not the default app, add the ecosia resources as deps in the corresponding

android_resources("java_resources") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

Import assets from Figma

When exporting assets from Figma, please ensure to add all the density suffixes: _mdpi, _hdpi, _xhdpi, _xxhdpi and _xxxhdpi. After exporting the images, they will be downloaded as a ZIP file. This file should be extracted, and the contents should be copied to the corresponding res folder and all the files should be renamed. For easing this process, you can use the Figma export tool. It requires 3 arguments: the path to the ZIP file that was exported from Figma, the resources folder where the images should be placed and an optional argument --night that tells if the images should be placed in the night mode folders. Here's an example of use, from the scripts folder:

python3 ~/Downloads/ ~/chromium_111/src/chrome/android/java/res_ecosia onboarding_image --night

Colors and branding

Instead of changing the color of views manually in java code or layout files, it is preferred to modify the themes.xml definition for ThemeOverlay.BrowserUI.DynamicColors, and add Ecosia material colors based on the material styles guidelines.

One strategy to find what material color affects any view, is to define it in the themes file, and add a very saturated color that can be easily distinguished (like red #FF0000 or green #00FF00). When running the app, the affected views will have that color and then it would be easy to establish the desired color for those views.

For example:

  1. Add colorPrimary or any other material color definition
<item name="colorPrimary">#00FF00</item>
  1. Compile, build, run the app and check if the selected color (green #00FF00) appears in any of the views.

  2. If the color is present, then change the color for the corresponding semantic color that should be defined in the ecosia_color_palette.xml file

<item name="colorPrimary">@color/ecosia_brand_primary</item>

More information about Android styles and themes can be found here.

C++ logging

Here's an example of how to add logging for c++ code:

#include <android/log.h>

__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "TRACKERS", "%s", Str);

More information can be found in the official developer ndk documents.

Disable warnings

It is not recommended to disable the warnings, but in case it is required, here's an example of how to do that for a specific block of code:

//#pragma GCC diagnostic push
//#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunreachable-code"
// goes the code that is causing the warning...
//#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

🔥 Release

The release folders are in the out/ folder. You can change the build parameters either manually by using (the gn args command for each release type, for example gn args out/release_arm/.

Or you can run the scripts/ [version_name] [version_code] script with new version numbers (this wont break anything but just update the build configurations).

Before building ensure that the ecosia.keystore is located in the src directory. For deployment follow these steps.

To build all release apks

./scripts/ all

The resulting apks will be in out/release_arm/apks, out/release_arm64/apks, out/release_x86/apks, out/release_x64/apks folders.

🚀 Automated Release

To trigger a fully automated creation of release AABs just create a tag on the desired commit of the following format: v_[version_name]_[version_code]

for example:

git tag v_4.0.1_210 && git push origin v_4.0.1_210

This will then create arm, arm64, x86 and x64 release apks and upload them to AppCenter

🇨🇳 Huawei App Gallery release

To trigger a fully automated creation of the arm64 APK just create a tag on the desired commit of the following format: huawei_[version_name]_[version_code]

for example:

git tag huawei_8.0.2_600 && git push origin huawei_8.0.2_600

💥 Troubleshooting

Are the ninjas having their way with you? They're a wiley bunch.. Check our troubleshooting doc for some known issues and fixes.

And don't forget to add any new issues and resolutions that you encounter yourself

Architectural Decision records

Our most important tech related architectural decions can be found here


See this doc

Migrating to a new version of chromium

See this doc

📚 Chromium references

Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all users to experience the web.

The project's web site is

Documentation in the source is rooted in docs/

Learn how to Get Around the Chromium Source Code Directory Structure .

 build/android/gradle/ --output-directory out/Default --target '//chrome/android:chrome_public_apk' --target '//chrome/android:chrome_junit_tests'
  • The mentioned ChromiumStyle.xml does not exist, instead you can use src/tools/android/checkstyle/chromium-style-5.0.xml with the CheckStyle-IDEA plugin

List of classes we touch