Determines which installed packages require the given package. Save the script somewhere in your path, e.g. in /usr/local/bin and give it executable rights. The script requires root rights.
apt install python3 apt-rdepends
Download the package
move the package to /tmp/ folder, and install it with apt:
sudo mv ./apt-who-needs.deb /tmp/
sudo apt install /tmp/apt-who-needs.deb
alternativ with dpkg
sudo dpkg -i apt-who-needs.deb
sudo apt --fix-broken install
and run it like this:
sudo apt-who-needs packagename
root@host:~# apt-who-needs apt
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
apt-file is installed and requires apt
apt-listbugs is installed and requires apt
apt-listchanges is installed and requires apt
apt-transport-https is installed and requires apt
apt-utils is installed and requires apt
python3-reportbug is installed and requires apt
reportbug is installed and requires apt
have fun.