You are to design and build a CI pipeline including Java, Maven, Git, Jira, Jenkins, Puppet and Vagrant. As a group, you are to create a virtualised environment making full use of Vagrant and the Vagrantfile to automate the process of provisioning and installing the applications listed above. Your project will include a readme file, of the exact steps that the trainer must take to start up your virtualised project. If that contains just one command, or twenty they must be included. Once this is done, you are to use the skills developed in your Cloud Foundry training to deploy your Python application with any dependencies to the cloud. You will also include the additional requirements, in your Git Repo (or flash drive) when delivering this to your trainer. You are to construct a presentation for this and deliver said presentation at the end as another deliverable.
Are project team consisted of the following members;
- Edward Stevens
- Thomas Reilly
- Ameen-Ul Haq
- Kayleigh Bellis
- Gemma Irving
- Chibuzo Nwobiri
In essence the Git tool will be used for the management of versions of the source code.
You will need to specify unique details custom to you the user as a substitute of the angular brace (as a paramter).
1. Run GitBash
- If Gitbash is already installed (discoverable in all programs).
_Run GitBash_
- To download and install Git
_Download and install it from
- Alternative you can download from the source. You can use the following link as any guide;
2. Setting up the directory
To create a bidirectional link between the chosen local directory and the Github repository. You can use either of the following options;
- Navigating to an exisitng directory
_CD + ``_
- Create a new directory and then navigate to it
_MKDIR + `` + && CD + ``_
3. Initialising Git
- In the current directory
- Similarly, we can use the following to start recording revisions of the project in a specified directory.
_GIT INIT + ``_
4. Clone directory
- In the current directory
_GIT CLONE + ``_
- Similarly, we can mirror the repository locally without navigating manually through the following.
_GIT CLONE + `` + ``_
A repository link can be found by following the image example below;
To automate machine provisioning and installation of applications.
0. Prerequisite
- Git is installed
- Github repository has successfully been cloned
1. Creating a Vagrant Folder Copy the exisitng Vagrant folder and rename it 'vagrant' and save it in the same directory.
_cp -R + `` + ``_
This can also be achieved manually.
2. Creating a Vagrant Folder We can now manually open the vagrant file located in your new vagrant directory and edit the Ip address
_192.168.1. + ``_
You can discover a free IP using the 'ping' command followed by the IP desired in the command prompt. You must then change the hostname to a unique name.
_agent + `` + .qac.local_
3. Run Vagrant Now we run vagrant using the following
_vagrant up_
The bootstrap agent installs puppet automatically thus there is no needed to use seperate command to install puppet
- Test Jenkins Server: Go to a Firefox Browser in the virtual machine and run the following in the url bar
_`` + :8080_
- Test Maven: In terminal we can verify its installation through using the version command
_mvn -version_
- Test Java: In terminal we can verify its installation through using the version command
_java -version_
- Test Git: In terminal we can verify its installation through using the version command
_git --version_