was written as a generic utility. When I recently moved it to using 'aws-sdk' instead of the unofficial 'aws2js', I hacked the genericity/configurability out. cw2graphite should again be configurable for multiple metrics- This configurability should use the native node-config instead of optparse
This application will output graphite counters for a list of AWS CloudWatch metrics. All you need to do is :
- copy
and set up youraccessKeyId
as well as metrics.
You'll find here the reference to NameSpaces, metrics, units and dimensions you'll want to refer to to set up your metrics.json
is a good starting point). Thus far this has been tested with EC2, ELB & DynamoDB.
This software is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
typically, to test you should simply run:
node cw2graphite.js
You'll need to install a few modules, including:
minimist & config
simply running this should do the job :
npm install
aws.dynamodb.rad_impressions.throttledrequests.updateitem.sum.count 28.0 1359407920
aws.elb.radimp.requestcount.sum.count 933.0 1359407920
aws.dynamodb.rad_impressions.consumedwritecapacityunits.sum.count 890.0 1359407920
typically, in a cron, you'd run:
node cw2graphite.js | nc host 2003