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Forex Currency Converter - Assesssment 3 - SpringBoard

by: Etienne Deneault


  • base.html - forex_converter.html - forex_conversion.html - analysis.html - - - app.css - app.js - - requirements.txt - README.MD -


  • Main Function: convert currency from one denomination to another based on current exchange rate. Output: conversion amount.
  • On request, the user can access additional details/analysis of the conversion.
    • Data Points Available:
      • Conversion Amount
      • Conversion Rate
      • 30 Days Past - Conversion Amount Delta (%)
      • 1 Year Past - Conversion Amount Delta (%)
      • 5 Years Past - Conversion Amount Delta (%)
      • 10 Years Past - Conversion Amount Delta (%)
      • Conversion Amount Estimate - at bank, atm, credit card and kiosk.
      • Count of Conversions performed by user.
  • Tested with Python unittest. (unit and integration tests)
  • Line Chart Visual Representation of the currency fluctuation over time.
  • Bootstrap 4.5 Responsive Behavior.

Code Details

  • HTML is structured using flask templates. The structure is nested.
  • contains the app routes.
  • contains data request functions, data analysis functions an helper functions. Included in is a commmented section with a test for each function.
  • app.js handles the canvas line chart.
  • app.css provides basic styling.

Todos and Improvements

  • Improved Documentation: Implentation of doctests with already created tests from the commented section in
  • Implement a route to provide the reverse the to_county and from_country conversion values upon clicking the "double arrow" fontawesome icon.
  • Refactor into OOP, it would optimize how information is delivered to the routes and facilitate storing conversion transaction states.
  • Create more edge case tests.
  • Create mote specific flash messages.
  • Use a less hacky method to pass data to javascript.
  • Include spinner buttons to improve user experience.
  • Acuracy of the conversions is rounded to 2 decimal points, calculations are based on 10 decimal points. Currently, the rounding is in favor of the conversion service provider.

Process && Learnings

  • I set the following goals at the beginning of the project:

    • Take a Data Science approach to the application favoring functionality, data and data anlysis over UI-UX.
    • Use OOP for model. (did not get to this yet)
    • Create a good level of robutness to the application.
    • Persist the "state".
    • Create tests for all functions and precesses.
    • Create appropriate Documentation.
  • Line Chart: Assessment specs said "no js" but I decided to include this feature anyhow since it was not part of the core requirements. I could re-do using mathoplib or bokeh modules in Python but that would take about a "day" to accomplished ( I have done this before for a capstone project ).

Technologies && Third Party Libraries && Fonts

  • Python, flask, HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery

Time Log


  • 15 min. - First Read


  • 20 min. - Read Docs Forex Module
  • 45 min. - Planning in Engineering Notebook
  • 45 min. - Project set-up and experimentation with forex module
  • 30 min. - basic mark-up templates
  • 120 min. - build functions in utils to access api data and create functionality functions
  • 240 min. - build routes and application logic/flow-data control
  • 60 min. - refinement of analysis functions
  • 120 min - integration of line chart


  • 120 min. - error checking and flash messages
  • 120 min. - code clean-up and minor improvements
  • 60 min. - complete the document


  • 60 min. - build a document
  • 15 min. - update git/github

Total ~ 17 hrs and 50 minutes

Sources && References

  • Code Base provided by SpringBoard - Forex Assessment 3

  • Documentation Used: python docs, flask docs, StackOverflow, jQuery, MDN, bootstrap docs

  • Media: image is expressively allowed to be used for a nonmonetary purpose.


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