- webapp: show nodes by producer on nodes page #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: order nodes by amount of features #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: include rank of the producer in the nodes query #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add node health indicator #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add chip list component #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add chip list component #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: display nodes supported APIs #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: allow close tooltip when the mouse moves out #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: added networks + redesign #999 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: missing networks desktop #999 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: font style #999 (Fabian Vives)
- hapi: created get-producers-info endpoint #1019 (Angelo CG)
- hasura: created getProducersInfo RES endpoint #1019 (Angelo CG)
Bug Fixes
- webapp: fix validation of empty endpoints on nodes #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: fix responsive design #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: correct format #1002 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: remove disabling certification #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: fix offset on nodes query #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: fix the filter of node type on nodes query #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: update Telos Logo (Xavier Fernandez)
- webapp: update Help Text #996 (Xavier Fernandez)
- webapp: update network labels #997 (Xavier Fernandez)
- webapp: filter empty values of responding endpoints #1000 (Torresmorah)
- webpp: removed duplicate keys #1002 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: duplicate key #1002 (Fabian Vives)
- hapi: restored affected rows #1002 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: bpjson style #1005 (Fabian Vives)
- hapi: sync producers error #1008 (Fabian Vives)
Code Refactoring
- webapp: split NodeCard component #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: move node Tooltip from BlockProducers to InformationCard/Nodes #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: remove unnecessary components and fix format code #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: remove node or type parameter of information components that dont need them #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: move block_transaction_history from nodes route to nodesCard component #972 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: add values to table #1002 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: use new db model in nodes query #972 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: nodeInfo tables #1002 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: visual changes #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: chipList styles #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: change styles #972 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: move the icon close to the text and show a message when there are no results #1000 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: testing complex method #1002 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: search producer style #1005 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: search node style #1005 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: endpoints and tooltip style #1005 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: geo distribution style #1005 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: bp json style #1005 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: about style + removed box component #1005 (Fabian Vives)
- webapp: help style #1005 (Fabian Vives)
- e18d023: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into feat/improve-ui-nodes-page-864 (Torresmorah) #972
- d492dbb: Merge branch 'dev' into 953-populate-null-values-in-producers-table (Fabian Vives) #1002
- 20132dd: chore(hapi&webapp): add keys in features for lacchain (Torresmorah) #972
- 7e59c52: [CodeFactor] Apply fixes (codefactor-io) #972
- 871aab9: [CodeFactor] Apply fixes (codefactor-io) #972
- 5d415df: Merge branch 'dev' (Xavier Fernandez)
- 6aa13c7: Merge branch 'dev' into 953-populate-null-values-in-producers-table (Fabian Vives) #1002
- 36d366f: [CodeFactor] Apply fixes (codefactor-io) #1005