An easy to use component for building powerful console applications written in C++.
- Install:
- Create Project:
- Usage:
The easiest way to install is to use the vscode extension:
Alternatively this could also be achieved in a few manual steps:
- Create a CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12 FATAL_ERROR)
project(todo CXX)
# Add the CPM package manager
# Add The console-component
NAME console
GITHUB_REPOSITORY edenreich/console-component
# Move the default directory of the executable to bin directory
# Collect implementation files of the current project
# add your Implementation files here..
# Add the implementation files to the executable
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCES_CXX_FILES})
# Add the definition files
# Link the executable with the library
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} console)
- Create a build directory and cd into it:
mkdir build && cd build
- Look at usage for creating commands or use the console-component-generator util to generates command files easily.
curl -sSL -o console-gen
chmod u+x console-gen && sudo mv console-gen /usr/bin/console-gen
- Build your project:
cmake .. && make
If you are having trouble setting this up, take a look at the examples first.
- Create the application:
// main.cpp
#include <console/application.h>
#include "commands/copy_files.h"
#include "commands/hello_world.h"
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
Console::Application app(argc, argv);
app.setApplicationName("Todo List Application");
app.setApplicationUsage("./bin/todo [command] [options]");
app.setApplicationDescription("Todo List Application");
app.addGlobalOption("--test", "Testing the application", "-t");
app.addCommand(new CopyFiles);
app.addCommand(new HelloWorld);
- Create a command definition file:
// commands/copy_files.h
#pragma once
#include <console/interfaces/command_interface.h>
#include <console/types/collections.h>
namespace Interfaces = Console::Interfaces;
namespace Types = Console::Types;
* @name copy:files
class CopyFiles : public Interfaces::CommandInterface
* Retrieve the name of the command.
* @return std::string
std::string getName() override;
* Retrieve the description of the command.
* @return std::string
std::string getDescription() override;
* Retrieve the command options.
* @return Console::Types::AvailableOptions
Types::AvailableOptions getOptions() override;
* Handle the command.
* @param Console::Interfaces::InputInterface * input
* @param Console::Interfaces::OutputInterface * output
* @return ExitCode
ExitCode handle(Interfaces::InputInterface * input, Interfaces::OutputInterface * output) override;
- Create a command implementation file:
// commands/copy_files.cpp
#include "copy_files.h"
* Retrieve the name of the command.
* @return std::string
std::string CopyFiles::getName()
return "copy:files";
* Retrieve the description of the command.
* @return std::string
std::string CopyFiles::getDescription()
return "copy files from <source> to <dist>";
* Retrieve the command options.
* @return Console::Types::AvailableOptions
Types::AvailableOptions CopyFiles::getOptions()
Types::AvailableOptions options;
options["-s"] = std::pair<std::string, std::string>("--source", "specific the source");
options["-d"] = std::pair<std::string, std::string>("--dest", "specific the destination");
return options;
* Handle the command.
* @param Console::Interfaces::InputInterface * input
* @param Console::Interfaces::OutputInterface * output
* @return ExitCode
ExitCode CopyFiles::handle(Interfaces::InputInterface * input, Interfaces::OutputInterface * output)
if (input->wantsHelp()) {
return ExitCode::NeedHelp;
if (input->getOption("source").empty() || input->getOption("dest").empty()) {
output->warning("wrong options..");
return ExitCode::NeedHelp;
std::string source = input->getOption("source");
std::string dest = input->getOption("dest");
output->info("Copying files from %s to %s", source.c_str(), dest.c_str());
return ExitCode::Ok;
Run cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build . --config Release --target install -- -j4
After building the project all distributed files should be located in build/dist
This project targets Linux, Windows and MacOS.
Often I find myself having to write the same code over and over again, So I've decided to dedicate my time to building a console application in an OOP way. After all, all it is needed is a CPP and a Header file per command. Having a dedicated class / object per command makes it easier to maintain.
Because it is a statically linked library I have avoided including external libraries and kept it as simple as possible.
If you find this project interesting or have any suggestions, feel free to send a pull request. I will be more than happy to review it.