Python bindings for the opendnp3 library, an open source implementation of the DNP3 protocol stack written in C++14.
Note: This is a work in progress. See Issues for things we know about and feel free to add your own.
Supported Platforms: Linux, MacOS
make manylinux2010-build-wheel
make manylinux2010-copy-wheel-to-host
Python's manylinux2010 wheels should work on most common Linux distributions.
To change the Python version, change the MANYLINUX2010_DOCKERFILE
variable in the Makefile. You may need to create a new Dockerfile.
See the existing manylinux2010 Dockerfiles for a comment indicating
what directory to change to use another CPython manylinux2010 version.
To build the library from source, you must have:
- The required version of Python and pip
- A toolchain with a C++14 compiler
- CMake >= 2.8.12 (
This repository includes two repositories as submodules (under deps/
- dnp3 (
- pybind11 ( - This is a fork containing a minor patch required to compile some of the pydnp3 wrapper code. It will be replaced with pybind11 proper when the issue is resolved.
Use brew to install cmake.
Use either pyenv, asdf, or brew to install the right version of Python. Verify the Python version with:
$ pip --version
pip 22.0.2 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pip (python 3.10)
You may need to use pip3
instead of pip
If so, change the commands in the Makefile.
make local-setup local-build-wheel
The wheel will be found in the wheels/
If necessary, upload this wheel to the git repo.
pydnp3 is a thin wrapper around most all of the opendnp3 classes. Documentation for the opendnp3 classes is available at automatak.
Use python's help to discover the available wrapper classes and functions. For example,
> import pydnp3
> help (pydnp3.opendnp3)
Help on module pydnp3.opendnp3 in pydnp3:
pydnp3.opendnp3 - Bindings for opendnp3 namespace