Nanny Express is a platform to find and share contact details of nannies. Users connect trough facebook, and can see the contact details of nannies posted by their friends. Nanny Express is open and free to use.
- [npm] (
- [MongoDB] (
- [Node] (
- Clone the repo
- Set up MongoDB
- Create the env file
- Run the server
- You are ready to set up the front end!
Clone the Nanny-Express-server code
locally. In a terminal, run:
git clone
navigate to the server folder and run:
npm install
In the terminal, run:
sudo apt-get mongodb
in the terminal, start the MongoDb, run:
In your text editor create the .env file using the env.example
Start the server, run:
npm start
Navigate to Nanny-Express-client and follow the instructions in the to finish the setup and run the application.
Edgar Cheverier - Github - LinkedIn
Christopher Harju - Github - LinkedIn
Jon Portella - Github - LinkedIn
- Cristina Guimaraes, Original Project Idea
This project is a fresh start of Cristina Guimaraes original Nanny-Express project.