A curated list of what we consider the most important (or most interesting) news for frontend developers
TypeScript 2.1 was released.
Angular 1.6 what's new?
Node v7.0.0 was released.
We have a new rising star: yarn - fast, reliable, and secure package manager for JavaScript.
The State of JS 2016 survey results are in. Over 9000 (...;)) developers reported on which technologies they know and don't know, and which of those they are satisfied with or interested in. The results might surprise you...
Speaking of which, Angular 2 got its [final release] (http://angularjs.blogspot.com/2016/09/angular2-final.html) which is promised to have stable API and follow Semver.
[Typescript 2.0] (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/typescript/2016/09/22/announcing-typescript-2-0/) has been released, bringing support for strict null checking and nullable types to prevent even more bugs in your app.
GitHub announces a GraphQL API, which will, without doubts, contribute to the popularity of this new way of talking to your backend.
Did you try to imagine front-end development without bugs to debug? If so, consider trying out Elm, which is already has its niche in business and is considered by some people to be the new Rails. You may have never heard of it, but you will hear about it again.
React is growing in its ambitions - there's React for the Web, React Native, and now there will be React for... VR
React launches [create-react-app] (https://facebook.github.io/react/blog/2016/07/22/create-apps-with-no-configuration.html) to allow you to jump right into development without spending hours on learning and configuring the build tools.
It is now possible to [run node.js code on the JVM] (http://eclipsesource.com/blogs/2016/07/20/running-node-js-on-the-jvm/).
Webpack is getting real, moving from a hobby project to being maintained by a dedicated team of developers.
jQuery 3.0 is released, bringing, among other things, performance improvements full compatibility of the Deferred object with the Promises/A+ standard.
And last but not least, for those of you who are old enough to remember Dreamweaver... it's back!
- [VueJS hits 2.0] (http://vuejs.org/2016/04/27/announcing-2.0/), bringing virtual DOM with optional render functions and JSX support. Keep your eye on this great library which mixes the best ideas from Angular and React.