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Running in EdgeDB Cloud

Roberto Prevato edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 6 revisions

This page describes how to create an instance of the cla-bot with edbcloud.

How application settings are handled

The image entrypoint runs which, using boto3, obtains application settings stored as secrets, configures them as environmental variables, and then replaces the current process with the yarn command that starts the web application in production mode.

TODO: a possible improvement is to handle application settings using .env files stored in Amazon S3 support secrets with a common prefix, to enable multiple instances of the CLA-bot service within the same collection of secrets. The default prefix of secrets is "CLABOT_".

To use a custom prefix for secrets names:

  • update the Docker ENV variable SECRETS_PREFIX,
  • use a custom prefix when using the script to upload secrets described below

Configuring secrets

Prepare required services and a .env file as described in Configuration. The SERVER_URL setting inside the .env file can only be configured in a second moment, after the load balancer in edbcloud, and eventually a custom domain name, are configured.

Copy the .env file inside the scripts folder at the root of the cla-bot repository, then use the provided script to upload secrets to the remote secrets manager. Since edbcloud doesn't support, yet, configuring arbitrary secrets, application secrets need to be configured using the aws CLI.

Script reference:

Action Command
Validate secrets ./
Create new secrets (fails if variables with the same name exist) PUSH=1 ./
Schedule the deletion of previously configured secrets DELETE=1 ./
Updates existing secrets UPDATE=1 PUSH=1 ./
Use a custom prefix PREFIX=CLABOT2_ [...] ./

Note: the private RSA key of the GitHub application can be copy pasted in the scripts folder, then its name configured as GITHUB_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY variable as in the provided example.

Create an app service in edbcloud

Use the instructions described in the cloud repository to use the edbcloud CLI and create a desired service.

Either create a new customer, or select an existing one to run an instance of the service. The instructions below describe how to create an instance of the application service, they don't describe the configuration of a new RDS instance (which are already described in the cloud repository).


# create a load balancer
edbcloud lb --add $INSTANCE_FULL_NAME \
  -H \
  --target-port 80 \
  --listener-port 80 \
  --health-check-path "/api/health"

While the load balancer is being provisioned, obtain the domain name assigned to it:

edbcloud lb

For example: Either configure a CNAME for this domain, or configure this value directly as SERVER_URL in the .env settings, including scheme.


Now that the SERVER_URL is known, it is possible to build the Docker image that will be used for the CLA-Bot application server.

Building the Docker image


docker build -t cla-bot:$REVISION .

These steps require Docker

Pushing the Docker image to the remote repository

Login to the remote AWS ECR service:


aws ecr get-login-password --region $REGION | docker login \
  --username AWS \
  --password-stdin $ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$

This step require the AWS CLI.

Note: AWS account id can be found here.

docker tag cla-bot:$REVISION $ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$$REVISION

docker push $ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$$REVISION

Create an instance of the application server

Ensure that the load balancer is now available:

edbcloud lb

Once the load balancer is available, create an instance of the service using this command:

edbcloud fargate $INSTANCE_FULL_NAME \
  -t1 \
  -m2048 \
  -c1024 \
  --image-name=cla-bot \
  --image-revision=$REVISION \
  --container-port 80

Useful commands for AWS ECR

To list the existing ECR repositories:

aws ecr describe-repositories --registry-id $ACCOUNT_ID  --region $REGION

To create a new repository (optional, these instructions use the existing repository called "cla-bot"):

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name desired-name --region $REGION