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Kenneth G. Franqueiro edited this page Sep 30, 2013 · 5 revisions

The util/mouse module defines a number of extension events which are useful in situations which require the mouse moving into and/or out of rows or cells. These scenarios warrant extension events due to the often-problematic bubbling nature of the mouseover and mouseout DOM events.

require(["dgrid/util/mouse"], function(mouseUtil){
    // Assume we have a Grid instance in the variable `grid`...
    grid.on(mouseUtil.enterRow, function(event){
        var row = grid.row(event);
        // Do something with `row` here in reaction to when the mouse enters


The following extension events are provided:

  • enterRow: fires when the mouse moves into a row within the body of a list or grid.
  • leaveRow: fires when the mouse moves out of a row within the body of a list or grid.
  • enterCell: fires when the mouse moves into a cell within the body of a grid.
  • leaveCell: fires when the mouse moves out of a cell within the body of a grid.
  • enterHeaderCell: fires when the mouse moves into a cell within the header of a grid.
  • leaveHeaderCell: fires when the mouse moves out of a cell within the header of a grid.

These extension events can be used as indicated in the example above, further described in the respective section of the dojo/on Reference Guide.

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