This is my personal Vim configuration (.vimrc) file. It lists a set of plugins that I find helpful and bindings that help me use this plugins with ease. This file is a collection of settings that I have found on the web or in other public .vimrc files (I wrote the owners).
Here is one way of how you can use my .vimrc file.
I order to make use of it, you will need to install (if you haven't already) Vundle, a Vim plugin manager. Follow this quick start guide to install Vundle.
After you have installed Vundle, open a terminal window and git clone
this repo.
$ mkdir -p ~/workspace/vimrc
$ git clone ~/workspace/vimrc
Make a backup of your .vimrc file (if you have one) and then override it.
$ cp ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc_bak
$ mv ~/workspace/vimrc/vimrc ~/.vimrc
Now open Vim and install the plugins listed in the .vimrc file by typing :VundleInstall
This will download and install the plugins into your ~/.vim/bundle/
One of the downloaded plugins, and one of my favorites, is YouCompleteMe, a fast, as-you-type, fuzzy-search code completion engine for Vim. I encourage you to use it and to find out more about it from here. Installing YCM will require a few more steps, listed here.
Enjoy and happy coding.