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infra actions

Rafik Djedjig edited this page May 7, 2019 · 3 revisions

Infra actions

These actions are part of Mobile Framework and can be used in every application module or Timeline module. They live in the /app/infra/actions and /app/infra/reducers directories.

Connection Tracking bar

It is recommended to include a connection tracking bar in every page, to tell the user if he online or offline.

Just import this module and put <ConnectionTrackingBar /> at the top of your page render function and it works.


The /app/infra/ui module is an action creator to set the header height.

Just dispatch the action with a new height in pixels.


This section will be rewritten cause this module doesn't seems to work well.

The workspace module provides two thunk actions to upload images from the device to the ODE platform workspace:

  • takePhoto() open a dialog to take a photograph and returns the local uri
  • uploadImage() sends the picture to the workspace and returns the distant url.
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