Home of the tools to produce samples for HGCAL reconstruction studies
Set up CMSSW according to https://github.com/CMS-HGCAL/reco-ntuples
Then anywhere,
git clone git@github.com:CMS-HGCAL/reco-prodtools.git
cd reco-prodtools
python SubmitHGCalPGun.py --nevts 2 --evtsperjob 1 --queue 1nh --partID 13 --thresholdMin 35 --thresholdMin 35 --gunType E --tag test_${USER}
To produce NEVENTS
GEN-SIM-DIGI events with NPART
particles (per event) of type PART_PDGID
and in the p_T range from PTMIN
, one should run:
python SubmitHGCalPGun.py
--datTier GSD
--nevts NEVENTS
--evtsperjob NPERJOB
--nPart NPART
--thresholdMin PTMIN
--thresholdMax PTMAX
--gunType GUNTYPE
--tag MYTAG
To produce NEVENTS
GEN-SIM-DIGI events with pair of particles within given angular distance ΔR(η,φ) (per event), where the first particle is of type PART_PDGID
and in the p_T range from PTMIN
, and the second one is of type INCONE_PART_PDGID
and at distance from DRMIN
and with p_T in range from PTRATIO_MIN
relative to the first particle, one should run:
python SubmitHGCalPGun.py
--datTier GSD
--nevts NEVENTS
--evtsperjob NPERJOB
--nPart 1
--thresholdMin PTMIN
--thresholdMax PTMAX
--gunType Pt
--MinDeltaR DRMIN
--MaxDeltaR DRMAX
--tag MYTAG
One should also note that for the genertion of pairs of particles within a given cone, one has to use the "Pt" gun.
The script will create a directory called partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE]
locally or on the CMG EOS area (see options), and submit jobs to queue QUEUENAME
events per job,
in total.
The batch stdout
files and .cfg
files used to run
are stored locally in partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE]
, while the resulting files partGun_*_GSD_{i}.root
are stored in partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE]
either locally or in /eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/
Rule of thumb for GEN-SIM-DIGI: 4 events per 1nh
- 20 events should be possible to finish in queue
. - Ditto, 100 events in
Add options --PU NPUevents --PUDS MinBias_dataset. Remember to 'voms-proxy-init' before so to let the script use das-client. Example of MinBias dataset to use: /MinBias_TuneCUETP8M1_14TeV-pythia8/PhaseIIFall16GS82-90X_upgrade2023_realistic_v1-v1/GEN-SIM
To run RECO stage on the produced GEN-SIM-DIGI samples, stored under partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE]
(locally or on the CMG EOS area), one should run:
python SubmitHGCalPGun.py \
--datTier RECO \
--evtsperjob NPERJOB \
--queue QUEUENAME \
--inDir partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE] \
[--local] \
--tag MYTAG
The script will get the list of GEN-SIM-DIGI files from the directory partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE]
(locally or on the CMG EOS area), and submit jobs to queue QUEUENAME
(if possbile with NPERJOB
events per job).
The batch stdout
files and .cfg
files are stored locally in partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE]
, while the resulting files partGun_*_RECO_{i}.root
are stored in partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE]
either locally or in /eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/
Rule of thumb for RECO: 10 events per 1nh
- 50 events should be possible to finish in queue
. - Ditto, 1000 events in
For more info on available options type python SubmitHGCalPGun.py --help
This needs the ntupliser to be installed as in https://github.com/CMS-HGCAL/reco-ntuples
To run NTUP stage on the produced RECO samples, stored under partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE]
(locally or on the CMG EOS area), one should run:
python SubmitHGCalPGun.py \
--datTier NTUP \
--evtsperjob NPERJOB \
--queue QUEUENAME \
--inDir partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE] \
[--local] \
--tag MYTAG
It can also run directly on RelVal using the same NTUP cfg. It runs das_client internally so you need to have a valid proxy (i.e. run voms-proxy-init before). The output goes in an area (eos/local) named after the RelVal dataset with all '/' replaced by underscores.
Typical usage:
python SubmitHGCalPGun.py \
--datTier NTUP \
--queue QUEUENAME \
[--local] \
-r /RelValSingleMu..etc.
We use the fork and pull model:
If you haven't done so yet, clone this repository:
git clone git@github.com:CMS-HGCAL/reco-prodtools.git
Add your fork of the repository as remote:
git remote add mine git@github.com:`git config user.github`/reco-prodtools.git
git checkout -b ${USER}_feature_branch origin/master
Work on your feature, add
, commit
, etc.
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
git push mine feature_branch
Make a pull request on github.