Songtree is an online community for collaborative music-making. Each time a user adds to a track, another branch gets added to the song’s “tree”, allowing users to create different versions of the same track within the same project. With Songtree SDK you can simply import into your music app a backing track created from any user and overdub it; then you can upload the mixdown back to Songtree community and watch the song grows.
1)Include Framework Header
#import <SongtreeSDK/SongtreeController.h>
2)Instantiate the SongtreeController in your main UIViewController
SongtreeController *controller=[SongtreeController instance]; controller.delegate=yourViewController; controller.appAgent=@"your app name";
3)Implement the mandatory delegate method
-(bool)importAudioFile:songID:fromViewController: -(NSString *)getParentId -(void)OnSongUploadRequested:fromView:parameters:
4)Use the SongtreeController method to show the Community, open the Share View and upload your audio file:
-(void)openSongtreeCommunity: -(void)OpenUploadPage: -(void)uploadToSongtree:parameters:parentViewController:
Download OAuth2Client framework and add it to your project
pod 'SongtreeSDK', '~> 0.0'
Download Facebook SDK v4.6.0 and Google+ iOS SDK and add them to your project.(Not needed if you use CocoaPods)
##Login with Facebook To enable FACEBOOK login follow this guide
- Create a Facebook App
- Configure Facebook App Settings for iOS
- Configure Xcode Project
[SongtreeController instance].facebookClientID = @"YOUR_FAEBOOK_APP_ID”;
##Login with Google Plus To enable GOOGLE Plus Login follow this guide
- Create your project on Google Developers Console
- Add to your XCode project Google Plus frameworks and in your main UIViewController set
[SongtreeController instance].googlePlusClientID = @"YOUR_GOOGLE_APP_ID”;
- Add into your app plist a new URL type with your app bundle ID
##iOS9 App Transport Security Add to your plist