Simple test program to test GL_EXT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_S3TC features
- cmake at least at versione 3.1
- c++14 conformant compiler (GCC 5: used features: make_unique and uniform initalization)
- glew
- glfw3
- sudo apt-get install cmake
- sudo apt-get install libglfw-dev
- sudo apt-get install libglew-dev
GLFW3 unfortunately it's not present in default repository. Follow these instructions:
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:keithw/glfw3
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev
The default cmake version is 2.8 so you have to download a newer version from cmake website
- git clone
- cd s3tc_test
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make