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Zabbix Ruby Client Cookbook

Cookbook Version

This cookbook is designed for installing zabbix-ruby-client on an Ubuntu server, with zabbix-sender v2.2. It's based on the version 0.1.0 of zabbix-ruby-client (called zrc for short).

The principle of it is to use the chef client embedded ruby from /opt/chef/embedded/bin so there is no need to install a system or versionned ruby on all servers just for that.

Tested in the kitchen on

  • Ubuntu 12.04
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • CentOs 5.10
  • CentOs 6.5

It should also work on RHEL 5 and 6, Oracle Linux 5 and 6, Debian 6 and 7.

It will install:

  • the zabbix source list for ubuntu
  • the zabbix-sender package
  • the zabbix-ruby-client from rubygems (or from github if node.zrc.development = true) using the chef embedded gemcommand
  • a /etc/default/zrc with a flag to run it or not
  • config.yml and tasks (minutely.yml) in /etc/zrc/
  • a zrc system user with a home in /var/lib/zrc
  • a data dir at /var/cache/zrc
  • a log dir at /var/log/zrc
  • a rotatelog config to rotate the logs every week
  • a bash wrapper in /usr/bin/zrc_send that launches zrc using the chef embedded ruby version
  • a cronfile gathering the triggering of all tasks at /etc/cron.d/zabbix


Attribute Default Description
zrc.version "0.1.0" Version of the zabbix-ruby-client to install (if development is false)
zrc.enabled true If not enabled the cronjob is disabled
zrc.admin_email "root" email or unix account used in the .forward in the home of the zrc user
zrc.ruby_bin "/opt/chef/embedded/bin/ruby" path to the ruby used by zrc
zrc.gem_bin "/opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem" path to the gem command used to install zrc
zrc.binpath "/opt/chef/embedded/bin/zrc" path where the zrc command will be installed
zrc.zrc_send "1" if set to "0" disables the sending of data
zrc.development false if set to true, use github master branch rather than the published gem version
zrc.repo_url "" if zrc.development is true, this repo will be used for getting the gem source
zrc.repo_branch "master" if zrc.development is true, this branch will be used for getting the gem source "localhost" url of the zabbix server
zrc.server.port "10051" port of the trapper daemon on the zabbix server
zrc.schedule see below schedule object used to build the tasks files and cron file

Default schedule

  "minutely": {
    "cron": "* * * * *",
    "tasks": [
      "load": null,
      "memory": null,
      "cpu": null
  "hourly": {
    "cron": "0 * * * *",
    "tasks": [
      "apt": null
  "monthly": {
    "cron": "0 0 1 * *",
    "tasks": [
      "sysinfo": null

if you want to add values to the schedule, use normal in a role file. Note that you can append a number to the task name, it will be ignored and makes possible to have multiple calls to the same name.

For example I have a zrc-linode.json, which adds disk and network interface to the minutely task role with:

  "name": "zrc-linode",
  "chef_type": "role",
  "json_class": "Chef::Role",
  "description": "ZRC linode eth and disks",
  "normal_attributes": {
    "zrc": {
      "schedule": {
        "minutely": {
          "tasks": {
            "disk": "[ xvda, /, xvda ]",
            "network0": "[ eth0 ]",
            "network1": "[ eth1 ]"

If you need to overwrite the default values, you can use overwrite_attributes.


By setting zrc.zrc_send to '0', the cronjobs still run but they are not passed to zabbix_sender, they are sent to output, then sent to the admin_email, so you can check if the values are collected properly.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request



Copyright 2013 Faria Systems - MIT license - created by mose at