- CollectionView
- This view contains a list of all the picture collections, and the number of pieces the user currently has for each collection
- HomeView
- The view for the home screen. It contains brief instructions, a start button (Rush), and a collection button to view collections
- LootView
- This view is the lootbox view. The user first clicks the mystery box, and then clicks the floating puzzle piece, which tells the user if a new piece is unlocked and send them to PictureView
- PictureView
- This is a view accessible through CollectionView. It shows a grid overlay of the actual image, and squares in the grid disappear as pieces are discovered, uncovering the picture
- RushView
- This is the view with the map, displaying route options, how close the user is to the picked route, and picking new routes
- PictureViewModel
- Handles the generation of the pieces collected for the image so that PictureView renders the right grid and CollectionView displays the correct numbers
- RushViewModel
- Handles getting current rush location, other location managers, detecting if the user is close to a route, and generating routes at random
- Picture
- Contains info about the picture, like id, name, numCollected, rows, cols, etc.
- Route, Location
- Contains info about coordinates of Route destinations
We used data persistence to store the picture pieces collected
We used Core Location to track user location and enable users to finish routes