📚 How the Program Works
This Program uses nodejs https API to request Midjourney's Webpage, pull out a section of the webpage and format it into JSON. It uses the fs API to download images directly from Midjourney's server locally and store the prompt for each image in an array. The code picks 4 random image.
Using Pupeteer's Package, the program loads twitter login page to inputs username and password. Twitter randomly asks for number or the twitter account's username after email entry, when it observes unusual activities. A section of the code looks out for that and provides the number any time it does.
Once logged in, the program selects the downloaded image files, it also clicks around to type in the Tweet text and also the ALT for each image. The program tweets, then deletes the downloaded image files and exits.
- Clone the repository down to your local machine
- Install dependencies with npm
npm install
- Create a (.env) file and fill in with login details(sample below)
Contributions are always welcome!