@UChicago_Edits is a TwitterBot that tweets whenever someone from the UChicago campus anonymously edits a Wikipedia page.
pip install -r requirements.txt
python Main.py
UChicago_Edits listens to a stream of changes to Wikipedia articles via WikiMon. If the edit is anonymous, and if the editor's IP address matches one of the subnets in Subnets.txt
, @UChicago_Edits will send out a tweet with the title of the edited page, the location of the editor (as specified in Subnets.txt
), and a link to the revision.
The /scripts
folder contains some helpful scripts I used when compiling Subnets.txt
. The process was ultimately a manual one, however, which involved translating DNS records for UChicago subnets into human-readable names of locations. The file is so far incomplete, and entries prefaced with #
are inactive. If an IP address is not matched by any of the named subnets, it will fall through to the larger /16
block and simply be labeled as campus
If you notice any errors in this file, or have any additions/corrections, please let me know! Or submit a pull request. This is a work in progress and I appreciate all the help I can get.
The account @UChicago_Edits has been tweeting for several years by running on an instance of Ed Summer's anon coffee script. As of 1/27/17, however, @UChicago_Edits has been running on the code in this repository. Please feel free to contribute!