le-client is a Let's Encrypt service client
composer dumpautoload
Make account's key
php bin/le.php make_key data/private.key
Register account
php bin/le.php reg_account data/private.key
Make challenge
php bin/le.php make_challenge data/private.key example.com
Put domain confirmation details to web server
Challnge domain confirmation
php bin/le.php challenge data/private.key uri token file location
Make domain's key
php bin/le.php make_key data/domain.key
Make cert
php bin/le.php make_cert data/domain.key example.com data/private.key
php bin/le.php prolongate config.php example.com
Will do automatically the following:
- Make challenge
- Put domain confirmation details to web server
- Challenge domain confirmation
- Make new domain key
- Make cert
echo | openssl s_client -servername NAME -connect HOST:PORT 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates