This tool helps you increment/decrement semantic versions in files using custom scripts and ergonomic shell commands.
For documentation please go here.
You can download pre-compiled self-contained binaries from GitHub Releases.
git clone --depth 1 <REPO URL>
cd cela
deno run install
Deno (v2) runtime is required to run.
Usage: cela <parser_name>
Version: 0.4.0
Increment or decrement semantic versions on files using custom parsers.
-h, --help - Show this help.
-V, --version - Show the version number for this program.
-d, --debug - Enable debug logs. Useful if you want to debug your parsers.
-D, --dry-run - Do a dry run. Skips running updater script (fetcher script is ran).
-r, --no-reset - Do not reset by precedence. Disables spec. 7, see
-Z, --no-zero - Do not reset when a version is less than 0.
-C, --custom <version> - Instead of incrementing, set the version to this string.
-M - Increment MAJOR version by 1. Can be used multiple times.
-m - Increment MINOR version by 1. Can be used multiple times.
-p - Increment PATCH version by 1. Can be used multiple times.
-z - Decrement MAJOR version by 1. Can be used multiple times.
-x - Decrement MINOR version by 1. Can be used multiple times.
-c - Decrement PATCH version by 1. Can be used multiple times.