Trixi2Img.jl can create PDF/PNG files from output files created by Trixi.jl (solution or restart files). Trixi2Img is part of the Trixi framework.
If you have not yet installed Julia, please follow the instructions for your operating system. Trixi2Img works with Julia v1.5.
Trixi2Img is a registered Julia package. Hence, you can install it by executing the following commands in the Julia REPL:
julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("Trixi2Img")
In the Julia REPL, first load the package Trixi2Img
julia> using Trixi2Img
To process an HDF5 file generated by a 2D simulation with Trixi.jl, execute
julia> trixi2img(joinpath("out", "solution_000040.h5"), output_directory="out", grid_lines=true)
This will create a file solution_000040_scalar.png
in the out/
that can be opened with any image viewer:
To visualize 3D data generated by Trixi.jl, a 2D slice must be extracted. A slice can only lie in a plane orthogonal to one of the coordinate axes. The slice plane is defined by the axis to which it is orthogonal and an axis intercept.
For example, to create a 2D slice in the xy-plane at the axis intercept z = 0.5
from 3D data, execute
julia> trixi2img(joinpath("out", "solution_000000.h5"), output_directory="out", grid_lines=true, slice_axis=:z, slice_axis_intercept=0.5)
For further information on how to use Trixi with Trixi2Img, please refer to the documentation of Trixi.
Trixi2Img is maintained by the Trixi authors. Its principal developers are Michael Schlottke-Lakemper (University of Cologne, Germany) and Hendrik Ranocha (KAUST, Saudi Arabia).
Trixi2Img is licensed under the MIT license (see