Releases: efeslab/lapidary
Patch version 0.7.2
In this patch, I've added some example scripts for how to install/run a qemu-based virtual machine that can be used as a workaround to disable CPU features which cause some common checkpoint failures. They're in the 'scripts' directory.
Patch version 0.7.1
This patch fixes some issues with the pip installation/packaging, as well as fixing a bug with python-gdb that wasn't allowing gdb to access the local virtualenv's packages.
Development release 0.7
This second "research-quality" release fixes issues that made the installation process very picky and only worked properly under very specific circumstances. This issues have been fixed in the code and tweaks have been made to the documentation.
Development release 0.6
This is still "research-quality," but should fix some out-of-the-box issues that people were having which left the tool inoperable.