Course Project of CS319 course, Group 2K
Students: Alptuğ Albayrak, Abdullah Furkan Erdem, Ege Darçın, Özkan Özgün
In this project, we are making a football-game.
It is a two player game where each user controls a football player and aim of the game is to score goals.
This is a two dimentional game, where two goals on each side is placed and the football players begin the game in front of their own goal.
A ball will appear in the middle of the field and each player will try to hit the ball to score goals.
Heads of the football players will be very big compared to their sizes and that way the game will be more funnier and different.
Players will control the footballers with arrow keys, left, up and right, or w,a and d. left and right is for strafing and up is for jumping.
When a footballer connects with the ball, the ball will be kicked in the angle of approach to its head.
In order to spice things up, different balls and goal sizes will be set each round, if random mode is selected.
If a player scores a goal, the scoreboard will be updated.
Different design of heads will be implemented, users will be able to choose their player's skins.
There will be 2 power-ups: faster movement and fireball. The first will double the movement speed of the player and the latter will make the player hit the ball twice as harder. Those powerups will take a short duration and will be on cooldown after its usage.