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Kotlin Multiplatform OIDC

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Library for using OpenId Connect / OAuth 2.0 in Kotlin Multiplatform (iOS+Android), Android and Xcode projects. This project aims to be a lightweight implementation without sophisticated validation on client side. Simple Desktop support is included via an embedded Webserver that listens for redirects.

  • Currently, it only supports the Authorization Code Grant Flow.
  • Support for discovery via .well-known/openid-configuration.
  • Support for PKCE
  • Uses ASWebAuthenticationSession (iOS), Chrome Custom Tabs (Android), Embedded Webserver + Browser (Desktop)
  • Simple JWT parsing
  • OkHttp + Ktor support

The library is designed for kotlin multiplatform, Android-only and iOS only Apps. For iOS only, use the OpenIdConnectClient Swift Package.

You can find the full Api documentation here.


Add the dependency to your commonMain sourceSet (KMP) / Android dependencies (android only):

implementation("io.github.kalinjul.kotlin.multiplatform:oidc-okhttp4:0.9.1") // optional, android only
implementation("io.github.kalinjul.kotlin.multiplatform:oidc-ktor:0.9.1") // optional ktor support

Or, for your libs.versions.toml:

oidc = "0.9.1"
oidc-appsupport = { module = "io.github.kalinjul.kotlin.multiplatform:oidc-appsupport", version.ref = "oidc" }
oidc-okhttp4 = { module = "io.github.kalinjul.kotlin.multiplatform:oidc-okhttp4", version.ref = "oidc" }
oidc-ktor = { module = "io.github.kalinjul.kotlin.multiplatform:oidc-ktor", version.ref = "oidc" }

Compiler options

If you want to run tests, currently (as of kotlin 1.9.22), you need to pass additional linker flags (adjust the path to your Xcode installation):

iosSimulatorArm64().compilations.all {
    kotlinOptions {
        freeCompilerArgs = listOf("-linker-options", "-L/Applications/")


Redirect scheme

For OpenIDConnect/OAuth to work, you have to provide the redirect uri in your Android App's build.gradle:


android {
    defaultConfig {
            mapOf("oidcRedirectScheme" to "<uri scheme>")

iOS does not require declaring the redirect scheme.

OpenID Configuration (common code)

Create an OpenIdConnectClient:

val client = OpenIdConnectClient(discoveryUri = "<discovery url>") {
    endpoints {
        tokenEndpoint = "<tokenEndpoint>"
        authorizationEndpoint = "<authorizationEndpoint>"
        userInfoEndpoint = null
        endSessionEndpoint = "<endSessionEndpoint>"

    clientId = "<clientId>"
    clientSecret = "<clientSecret>"
    scope = "openid profile"
    codeChallengeMethod = CodeChallengeMethod.S256
    redirectUri = "<redirectUri>"

If you provide a Discovery URI, you may skip the endpoint configuration and call discover() on the client to retrieve the endpoint configuration.

Create a Code Auth Flow instance (platform specific)

The Code Auth Flow method is implemented by CodeAuthFlow. You'll need platform specific variants, so we'll use a factory to get an instance.

For Android, you should have a single global instance of [AndroidCodeAuthFlowFactory], preferably using Dependency Injection. You will than need to register your activity in your Activity's onCreate():

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    companion object {
        // There should only be one instance of this factory.
        // The flow should also be created and started from an
        // Application or ViewModel scope, so it persists Activity.onDestroy() e.g. on low memory
        // and is still able to process redirect results during login.
        val codeAuthFlowFactory = AndroidCodeAuthFlowFactory(useWebView = false)
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


You MUST register your activity using registerActivity() in onCreate() or earlier, as the factory will attach to the ComponentActivity's lifecycle. If you don't use ComponentActivity, you'll need to implement your own Factory.

For the iOS part, you can use IosCodeAuthFlowFactory. Both factories implement CodeAuthFlowFactory and can be provided using Dependency Injection.

For more information, have a look at the KMP sample app.

Authenticate (common code)

Request tokens using code auth flow (this will open the browser for login):

val flow = authFlowFactory.createAuthFlow(client)
val tokens = flow.getAccessToken()

Perform refresh or endSession:

tokens.refresh_token?.let { client.refreshToken(refreshToken = it) }
tokens.id_token?.let { client.endSession(idToken = it) }

Custom headers/url parameters

For most calls (getAccessToken(), refreshToken(), endSession()), you may provide additional configuration for the http call, like headers or parameters using the configure closure parameter:

client.endSession(idToken = idToken) {
    headers.append("X-CUSTOM-HEADER", "value")
    url.parameters.append("custom_parameter", "value")

JWT Parsing

We provide simple JWT parsing (without any validation):

val jwt = tokens.id_token?.let { Jwt.parse(it) }
println(jwt?.payload?.aud) // print audience
println(jwt?.payload?.iss) // print issuer
println(jwt?.payload?.additionalClaims?.get("email")) // get claim

Token Store (experimental)

Since persisting tokens is a common task in OpenID Connect Authentication, we provide a TokenStore that uses a Multiplatform Settings Library to persist tokens in Keystore (iOS) / Encrypted Preferences (Android). If you use the TokenStore, you may also make use of TokenRefreshHandler for synchronized token refreshes.

val accessToken = tokenstore.getAccessToken()

val refreshHandler = TokenRefreshHandler(tokenStore = tokenstore)
refreshHandler.refreshAndSaveToken(client, oldAccessToken = token) // thread-safe refresh and save new tokens to store

Android implementation is AndroidEncryptedPreferencesSettingsStore, for iOS use IosKeychainTokenStore.

OkHttp support (Android only) (experimental)

val authenticator = OpenIdConnectAuthenticator {
    getAccessToken { tokenStore.getAccessToken() }
    refreshTokens { oldAccessToken -> refreshHandler.refreshAndSaveToken(client, oldAccessToken) }
    onRefreshFailed {
        // provided by app: user has to authenticate again
    buildRequest {
        header("AdditionalHeader", "value") // add custom header to all requests

val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()

Ktor support (experimental)

    HttpClient(engine) {
        install(Auth) {
                tokenStore = tokenStore,
                refreshHandler = refreshHandler,
                client = client,

Because of the way ktor works, you need to tell the client if the token is invalidated outside of ktor's refresh logic, e.g. on logout:


Releasing a new version on GitHub Packages, for our own purposes

  1. Make sure to increase the version in
  2. Make sure that your GPG keys are set up correctly. In you should have a key ID (8 chars long), an ASCII armored secret key (escaped with \n so that it stays 1 line long), and the password for the secret key.
  3. Make sure that youg GPG key is published on a public key server.
  4. Build and publish everything using the command: ./gradlew publish. This process takes about 28-30 minutes.
  5. Note that the Xcode version you are building the framework with, should be lower or equal than the framework the app is built with (in GitHub Actions, for example). Otherwise you could get cryptic errors such as this one.


Kotlin Multiplatform OpenIDConnect implementation for Android/iOS







No releases published




  • Kotlin 99.7%
  • Swift 0.3%