Some categories to help solve common needs for UIKit components.
Provides a simple one-line factory for making bar button items as image buttons. Patterned after existing constructors of UIKit.
Provides a method to remove all action/event pairs associated with a control (like a button).
Provides methods to enable/disable gesture-based page turning in a UIPageViewController. For instance, if you want to disable page turning while displaying something else on screen temporarily.
Provides methods to force a portrait or landscape orientation for a view controller's view.
Provides methods to perform an operation (specified as an Objective-C 2.0 block) on all subviews or all superviews of a given view. Also provides a convenience method to enable or disable all UIControls in the hierarchy.
Removing all actions on a UIButton:
#import "UIControl+Convenience.h"
[myButton removeAllTargetActionEvents];
Running a block of code on all subviews in a view hierarchy:
#import "UIView+SubviewRecursion.h"
@implementation MyFancyViewController
[self.view runBlockOnAllSubviews:^(UIView *view) {
view.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor];
[self.view disableAllControlsInViewHierarchy];
Forcing an interface rotation to portrait/landscape:
This uses CGAffineTransform to rotate the UI to the nearest portrait/landscape and sets the status bar orientation.
Sets the status bar to UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait / UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown / UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight / UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft based on a default, but if the device is already being held in the new orientation, will switch to the appropriate one (In other words, the user shouldn't get an upside-down UI)
#import "UIViewController+ForcedRotation.h"
- (IBAction)rotateLandscape:(id)sender
[self rotateViewToLandscape];
- (IBAction)rotatePortrait:(id)sender
[self rotateViewToPortrait];
- Drag .h and .m files to your project
- Or, add project as dependency to your own project
- Import appropriate headers whenever you need to use them
I first created these categories because I find myself having common needs across apps that have complex or interesting interfaces. For instance, if you want to disable buttons on a page view controller while the page curl/flip animation is happening, because users may accidentally tap a button that's on the "back" of a page mid-animation.