A simple and generic ORM mapper.
Execute the following command from your project folder, where your package.json
file is stored:
npm install --save @egomobile/orm
import { createDataContext, DbNullable, NULL as DbNull } from "@egomobile/orm";
import { PostgreSQLDataAdapter } from "@egomobile/orm-pg"; // npm i @egomobile/orm-pg
// the reason, why non-nullable fields
// can have (null) values is, that (null)
// indicates, that the underlying fields
// should not be defined / updated in the
// database
// to set a value explicitly (null) in database
// use the value of DbNull instead
class User {
// non-nullable fields
public id: number | null = null;
public first_name: string | null = null;
public last_name: string | null = null;
// nullable fields
public email: DbNullable<string | null> = null;
async function main() {
const context = await createDataContext({
adapter: new PostgreSQLDataAdapter(),
entities: {
// name of the entity / table
users: {
ids: ["id"], // list of column(s) which represent the ID
type: User, // the class / type to use to create objects from
const listOfUsers = await context.find(User, {
// the following both settings depend on the underlying
// data adapter
where: "is_active=$1 AND is_deleted=$2",
params: [true, false], // $1, $2
offset: 1, // skip the first
limit: 100, // only return 100 rows
// return a user with ID 5979
const specificUser = await context.findOne(User, {
where: "id=$1",
params: [5979], // $1
if (specificUser !== null) {
// update with new data
specificUser.last_name = "Doe";
specificUser.first_name = "Jane";
specificUser.email = DbNull;
await context.update(specificUser);
// remove from database
await context.remove(specificUser);
} else {
console.log("User not found");
// create new POCO
const newUser = new User();
newUser.first_name = "John";
newUser.last_name = "Doe";
// ... and add it to database
await context.insert(newUser);
// depending on data adapter, it might be
// possible to do raw queries
const result: any = await context.query(
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=$1 AND is_active=$2;",
The API documentation can be found here.