PHP Altcoin/Bitcoin data Explorer
This package can get transaction information with Bitcoin protocol.
It can send HTTP requests to a Bitcoin peer server to perform several operations.
Currently it can get transaction details, get peer information, get mining information, get network hashes, get block chains, etc..
Class won "PHP Programming Innovation Award" on (August 2014). Link.
include "daemondata.php";
include "blockchain.php";
$block = new BlockChain($ip, $port, $username, $password);
$block_info_from_hash = $block->get_block('000000000000000007c4695c756bb944cf31f1f20487a32375d9d4c61dfd6349');
$block_info_from_height = $block->get_block_hash('308788');
var_dump($block_info_from_hash, $block_info_from_height);