Mesh Align Plus v0.5.0
New in v0.5.0
Mesh Align Plus has been updated for Blender 2.80, and a new feature for "Align Planes" (flat alignment) has been added! PLEASE NOTE: The installation process is now different, and the default behavior for "Align Planes" has changed! Full details below.
New feature + default behavior for "Align Planes"
The "Align Planes" tool lets you pick flat surfaces and stick them together, by picking 3 points as a source and 3 points as a destination. The new default behavior changes the final location of your item. The tool now matches "Point A" (the FIRST src point selected) on your source, to "Point A" on your destination (the FIRST dest point selected).
The old "Classic" tool behavior matched "Point B" on the source (the SECOND src point selected), to "Point B" on the destination (the SECOND dest point selected). You can go back to the old behavior (shown below) by unchecking the "Pivot is A" checkbox in the tool options box.
Changes for 2.80
New installation process!!
The addon is now a Python package (it's a folder full of .py files), so installation is different now. See the installation page for more info, or TL;DR: You can install from the zip file provided in this release notes post:
New location in the Blender UI
Due to 2.80 changes, the addon's panels have moved to a new location in Blender: The 3D View > Properties (N) Panel > Mesh Align Plus Tab.
Known Issues
Custom transform orientations for "Align Planes" is currently (temporarily) disabled. If people complain enough, I'll fix it sooner :D This feature enabled the ability to drag your target around the target plane after using "Align Planes".