• Fixed bug: Erratic progress bar behaviour in multi-file encoding.
• Fixed bug: File list not cleared sometimes after closing application.
• Fixed bug: Hardware decoders list and portable version issues.
• Fixed bug: Batch subtitles parameters not preserved when switching tabs / UTF8 conversion menu failed.
• Fixed bug: Runtime errors switching encoders at Presets wizard.
• Added AV1 (libsvtav1 / av1_nvenc) settings to Presets Wizard. NOTE: They require full latest ffmpeg compilations,
available for Windows at https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds
• Presets wizard checks if selected video encoder is supported by current ffmpeg.exe version.
• Added a setting in Presets wizard to encode only output samples of specific seconds.
• Output overwriting conflicts now selects automatically first conflicting file.
• Other minor bugfixes.
• .NET minimum requirement: 4.7.2