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Author: Josh Adell
Copyright (c) 2011

PHP Wrapper for the Neo4j graph database REST interface


Copy or symlink the lib/Everyman directory into your include_path or autoloader path.


"Real" usage examples can be found in the examples directory.

Initialize the connection

$client = new Client(new Transport());

Create a node

$node = new Node($client);
$node->setProperty('name', 'John Smith')
	->setProperty('age', '29')
	->setProperty('role', 'admin')

Index a node

$users = new Index($client);
$users->add($node, 'name', $node->getProperty('name'));
$users->add($node, 'foo', 'bar');

Find a node

$user = $users->findOne('name', 'John Smith');
$allFooBars = $user->find('foo', 'bar');

Create a relationship

$relationship = $node->relateTo($otherNode, 'KNOWS');
$relationship->setProperty('from', 'school')
    ->setProperty('how_long', '38 months')

Find a path between two nodes

$path = $node->findPathsTo($otherNode, 'KNOWS', Relationship::DirectionOut)

Traverse the graph

$traversal = new Traversal($client);
	->setReturnFilter('javascript', 'return true;')
$nodes = $traversal->getResults($node, Traversal::ReturnTypeNode);
$firstRelationship = $traversal->getSingleResult($node, Traversal::ReturnTypeRelationship);
$paths = $traversal->getResults($node, Traversal::ReturnTypePath);

Paged traversal

$pager = new Pager($traversal, $node, Traversal::ReturnTypeNode);

while ($results = $pager->getNextResults()) {
	foreach ($results as $node) {
		echo $node->getProperty('name');



__construct(string $host='localhost', integer $port=7474)

Create a new REST transport.


__construct(Transport $transport)

Create a new Neo4j client.

getLastError() : integer

Return any error code from the last operation. Returns null if no error occurred.


__construct(Client $client)

Create a new Node instance. Nodes are not saved to the server until save is called.

delete() : boolean

Delete this node from the server. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

findPathsTo(Node $to, string $type=null, string $dir=null) : PathFinder

Return a PathFinder that can be used to get paths from the node to $to. $dir must be one of Relationship::DirectionAll, Relationship::DirectionIn, Relationship::DirectionOut, or null. If $dir is specified, $type must also be specified.

getId() : integer

Return this node's unique identifier.

getProperties() : array

Return an array of all properties set on this node, indexed by key.

getProperty(string $property) : string

Return the value of the named property. Returns null if the named property is not set.

getRelationships($types=array(), $dir=null) : array

Return an array of Relationships that match the given criteria. $dir must be one of Relationship::DirectionAll, Relationship::DirectionIn, Relationship::DirectionOut, or null.

hasId() : boolean

Returns true if the node is identified, false otherwise.

load() : boolean

Load this node's data from the server. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

relateTo(Node $to, string $type) : Relationship

Create a relationship to $to. Note that the Relationship is not saved to the server until its save method is called.

removeProperty(string $property) : Node

Removes the named property from the node. Returns the node.

save() : boolean

Save this node to the server. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

setId(integer $id) : Node

Set the id of this node before calling load to retrieve the node's data from the server. Returns the node.

setProperties(array $properties) : Node

Set multiple properties, indexed by key. Returns the node.

setProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : Node

Set the named property to the given value. $value must be scalar. Returns the node.


__construct(Client $client)

Create a new Relationship instance. Relationships are not saved to the server until save is called.

delete() : boolean

Delete this relationship from the server. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

getId() : integer

Return this relationship's unique identifier.

getEndNode() : Node

Return the node on the incoming end of this relationship. Returns null of none is set.

getProperties() : array

Return an array of all properties set on this relationship, indexed by key.

getProperty(string $property) : string

Return the value of the named property. Returns null if the named property is not set.

getStartNode() : Node

Return the node on the outgoing end of this relationship. Returns null of none is set.

getType() : string

Return the type of relationship.

hasId() : boolean

Returns true if the relationship is identified, false otherwise.

load() : boolean

Load this relationships's data from the server. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

removeProperty(string $property) : Relationship

Removes the named property from the relationship. Returns the relationship.

save() : boolean

Save this relationship to the server. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

setEndNode(Node $end) : Relationship

Set the relationship's incoming node. Returns the relationship.

setId(integer $id) : Relationship

Set the id of this relationship before calling load to retrieve the relationship's data from the server. Returns the relationship.

setProperties(array $properties) : Relationship

Set multiple properties, indexed by key. Returns the relationship.

setProperty(string $property, mixed $value) : Relationship

Set the named property to the given value. $value must be scalar. Returns the relationship.

setStartNode(Node $start) : Relationship

Set the relationship's outgoing node. Returns the relationship.

setType($type) : Relationship

Set the type of relationship. Returns the relationship.


__construct(Client $client, string $type, string $name)

Create a new index. Indexes are not saved to the server until save or add are called. $type must be one of Index::TypeNode or Index::TypeRelationship

add(mixed $entity, string $key, mixed $value) : boolean

Add a Node or Relationship to the index. $value must be scalar. If the index did not exist on the server previously, it is created. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

delete() : boolean

Remove the index from the server. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

find(string $key, mixed $value) : array

Find Nodes or Relationships where the named property has the given value. $value must be scalar.

findOne(string $key, mixed $value) : mixed

Find the first Node or Relationship where the named property has the given value. $value must be scalar. Returns null if no match is found.

getName() : string

Return the index name.

getType() : string

Return the index type, one of Index::TypeNode or Index::TypeRelationship.

query(string $query) : array

Find Nodes or Relationships matching the given query (query language is Lucene).

queryOne($query) : mixed

Find the first Node or Relationship matching the given query (query language is Lucene). Returns null if no match is found.

remove(mixed $entity, string $key=null, mixed $value=null) : boolean

Remove the given Node or Relationship from the index. If given, $value must be scalar.

save() : boolean

Save this index to the server. Return true on success, false otherwise.



Create a new Path. The default context for a Path is nodes.

count() : integer

If current context is Path::ContextNode, returns the number of nodes in the Path. Otherwise, returns the number of relationships in the Path.

Path implements the Countable interface, which means it can be used as count($path).

getContext() : string

Returns the current context, one of Path::ContextNode or Path::ContextRelationship.

getEndNode() : Node

Return the Node at the end of the path. Returns null if there are no nodes.

getLength() : integer

Alias for count

getIterator() : ArrayIterator

If current context is Path::ContextNode, returns the nodes in an ArrayIterator. Otherwise, returns the relationships in an ArrayIterator.

Path implement the IteratorAggregate interface, which means it can be looped over in foreach loops. If the current context is nodes, foreach will loop over the nodes in the path, otherwise it will loop over the relationships.

getNodes() : array

Return the ordered array of Node objects that make up this path.

getRelationships() : array

Return the ordered array of Relationship objects that make up this path.

getStartNode() : Node

Return the Node at the beginning of the path. Returns null if there are no nodes.

setContext($context) : Path

Set whether count and foreach will refer to the nodes or relationships of this path. $context should be one of Path::ContextNode or Path::ContextRelationship. Returns the Path.


__construct(Client $client)

Create a new PathFinder object.

getAlgorithm() : string

Return the current path search algorithm. One of PathFinder::AlgoShortest (default), PathFinder::AlgoAll, PathFinder::AlgoAllSimple or PathFinder::AlgoDijkstra.

getCostProperty() : string

Return the current relationship property to use to determine path cost. Only used when PathFinder::AlgoDijkstra is the search algorithm.

getDefaultCost() : numeric

Return the default cost to assign relationships without a cost property. Only used when PathFinder::AlgoDijkstra is the search algorithm.

getDirection() : string

Return the current path finding direction, one of the Relationship::Direction constants.

getEndNode() : Node

Return the Node to find paths to.

getMaxDepth() : integer

Return the current maximum length for found paths.

getPaths() : array

Return an array of Path objects matching the search criteria.

getSinglePath() : Path

Return the first Path matching the search criteria.

getStartNode() : Node

Return the Node to find paths from.

getType() : string

Return the current relationship type to which path relationships will be limited.

setAlgorithm(string $algorithm) : PathFinder

Set the path search algorithm. One of PathFinder::AlgoShortest (default), PathFinder::AlgoAll, PathFinder::AlgoAllSimple or PathFinder::AlgoDijkstra. Returns the PathFinder.

setCostProperty(string $property) : PathFinder

Set the relationship property to use to determine path cost. Only used when PathFinder::AlgoDijkstra is the search algorithm. Returns the PathFinder.

setDefaultCost(numeric $cost) : PathFinder

Set the default cost to assign relationships without a cost property. Only used when PathFinder::AlgoDijkstra is the search algorithm. Returns the PathFinder.

setDirection($dir) : PathFinder

Set the path finding direction, one of the Relationship::Direction constants. Returns the PathFinder.

setEndNode(Node $end) : PathFinder

Set the Node to find paths to. Returns the PathFinder.

setMaxDepth($max) : PathFinder

Set the maximum length for found paths. Returns the PathFinder.

setStartNode(Node $start) : PathFinder

Set the Node to find paths from. Returns the PathFinder.

setType($type) : PathFinder

Set the relationship type to which path relationships will be limited. Returns the PathFinder.


__construct(Client $client)

Create a new Traversal object.

addRelationship(string $type, string $direction=null) : Traversal

Add a new Relationship type to the Traversal. $direction should be one of Relationship::DirectionAll, Relationship::DirectionOut or Relationship::DirectionIn. Returns the Traversal.

getMaxDepth() : integer

Return the maximum length to traverse before pruning. If no prune evaluator is given, this defaults to 1. If a prune evaluator is given, this value is ignored.

getOrder() : string

Return the traversal order. One of Traversal::OrderDepthFirst or Traversal::OrderBreadthFirst.

getPruneEvaluator() : array

Returns the current prune evaluator function if set. Array contains two elements 'language' and 'body'.

getRelationships() : array

Return the set relationship types. Each element is an array with elements 'type' and 'direction' (if direction is set.)

getResults(Node $startNode, string $returnType) : array

Run the traversal and get the array of results. $returnType is one of Traversal::ReturnTypeNode (returns an array of Node objects), Traversal::ReturnTypeRelationship (returns an array of Relationship objects), Traversal::ReturnTypePath or Traversal::ReturnTypeFullPath (returns an array of Path objects).

getReturnFilter() : array

Returns the current return filter function if set. Array contains two elements 'language' and 'body'.

getSingleResult(Node $startNode, string $returnType)

Return the first result of the traversal. $returnType is one of Traversal::ReturnTypeNode (returns an array of Node objects), Traversal::ReturnTypeRelationship (returns an array of Relationship objects), Traversal::ReturnTypePath or Traversal::ReturnTypeFullPath (returns an array of Path objects).

getUniqueness() : string

Return the current uniqueness filter. One of Traversal::UniquenessNone, Traversal::UniquenessNodeGlobal, Traversal::UniquenessRelationshipGlobal, Traversal::UniquenessNodePath or Traversal::UniquenessRelationshipPath.

setMaxDepth(integer $max) : Traversal

Set the maximum length to traverse before pruning. If a prune evaluator is given, this value is ignored. Returns the Traversal.

setOrder(string $order) : Traversal

Set the traversal order. One of Traversal::OrderDepthFirst or Traversal::OrderBreadthFirst. Returns the Traversal.

setPruneEvaluator(string $language=null, string $body=null) : Traversal

Set the prune evaluator function. If language is the Traversal::PruneNone constant, the evaluator language will be set to 'builtin' and the body will be set to the value of the constant. Returns the Traversal.

setReturnFilter(string $language=null, string $body=null) : Traversal

Set the return filter function. If language is one of the Traversal::ReturnAll or Traversal::ReturnAllButStart constants, the filter language will be set to 'builtin' and the body will be set to the value of the constant. Returns the Traversal.

setUniqueness(string $uniqueness) : Traversal

Set the current uniqueness filter. One of Traversal::UniquenessNone, Traversal::UniquenessNodeGlobal, Traversal::UniquenessRelationshipGlobal, Traversal::UniquenessNodePath or Traversal::UniquenessRelationshipPath. Returns the Traversal.

To Do

  • Batch/transaction support? (experimental)
  • Caching


PHP wrapper of the Neo4j REST interface







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