This is the repository containing all my Appdaemon apps.
Used together with my Homeassistant config which you can find here:
I use Appdaemon for all my automations since I am a programmer myself and it provides me with all the possibilities of the Python world and a far better debugging experience than HA Automations or nodered.
I no longer use appdaemon for my automations and switched over to automations completely:
- Traces allow easy debugging of what happened and why
- I can see related entities from automations and vise versa
- I can quickly adjust automations via the UI editor on my smartphone
- There is no disconnect/lag between Appdaemon and Homeassistant.
Just open an Issue or a Pull Request for any Comments, Questions, etc.
Or you can message me on twitter : @eifinger
If you have never used Appdaemon before I suggest you start with the tutorial and the guide. Both contain more links to great tutorials and examples.
I tried to write each App in this repository with reusability in mind. This means that every app in here has a short documentation and is (if possible) written to be easily adjusted to your environment and your needs.
Every App has an input_boolean inside HA which turns it on/off. This is useful if I don't want any notifications right now or an App is misbehaving.
- Alexa Intents
- AlexaSpeakerConnector
- appWatcher
- alarmClock
- buttonClicked
- comingHome
- deconzXiaomiButton
- detectWrongState
- eventMonitor
- faceRecognitionBot
- google_travel_time
- heartbeat
- homeArrivalNotifier
- isHomeDeterminer
- isUserHomeDeterminer
- leavingZoneNotifier
- motionTrigger
- newWifiDeviceNotify
- nextAppointmentLeaveNotifier
- notifyOfActionWhenAway
- plantWateringNotifier
- powerUsageNotification
- seqSink
- setThermostat
- setThermostatOnStateChange
- sleepModeHandler
- turnFanOnWhenHot
- turnOffBarAfterRestart
- updateEntityService
- notify
Are explained here
App to Turn on Receiver Bluetooth when Alexa is playing something so it plays on the big speakers. Uses a custom_component for control alexa as a media player.
module: alexaSpeakerConnector
class: AlexaSpeakerConnector
app_switch: input_boolean.alexaSpeakerConnector
alexa_entity: media_player.kevins_echo_dot_oben
alexa_entity_source: Denon AVR-X1300W
receiver: media_player.denon_avr_x1300w
receiver_source: Bluetooth
Sends a notification if a WARNING or ERROR is logged in Appdaemon
module: appWatcher
class: AppWatcher
notify_name: kevin
include_log_message_in_notification: True
notify_message: "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten in App: {}"
#notify_message: "An Error occurred in App: {}"
- Notifier
Alarm Clock App inspired by this forum post. It fades in my bedroom light and sends a notifcation. The fade in and alarm time is defined by input_number sliders in HA
module: alarmClock
class: AlarmClock
alarm_time: sensor.alarm_time
wakemeup: input_boolean.wakemeup
naturalwakeup: input_number.alarm_natural_wakeup_fade_in
alarmweekday: input_boolean.alarmweekday
radiowakeup: input_boolean.radiowakeup
#TODO radioplayer: input_select.wakeup_radioplayer
wakeup_light: light.bedroom_yeelight
isweekday: binary_sensor.workday_today
notify_name: group_notifications
message: "Guten Morgen!"
#message: "Good Morning!"
My multipurpose App to link any switch/light to a Xiaomi Button.
You can map different entities to the click types single
and double
For the 1st Generation Button you can hold the button to use it as a light dimmer.
module: buttonClicked
class: ButtonClicked
sensor: binary_sensor.switch_158d0001b12a12
actor_single: light.bedroom_yeelight
actor_double: group.all
actor_hold: light.bedroom_yeelight
- Notifier
When the front door openes and no one was home before this will turn on something. I am using it to turn on the light (if the sun is down) and turn on the receiver so I can hear Alexa
module: comingHome
class: ComingHome
app_switch: input_boolean.coming_home_yeelight
sensor: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d000126a57b
isHome: input_boolean.is_home
actor: switch.large_lamp
after_sundown: True
App which toggles entities for single/double/hold presses of Xiaomi buttons connected via deconz.
This app is installed via HACS.
The repository itself with the full documentation can be found on github: appdaemon-deconz-xiaomi-button
module: deconz_xiaomi_button
class: DeconzXiaomiButton
id: round_button_schlafzimmer
actor_single: light.bedroom_yeelight
actor_double: group.all
actor_hold: light.bedroom_yeelight
Checks a list of entities which should be on/off when everybody left the house. If something isn't right it will try to turn it off (e.g. a light) and send a notification.
module: detectWrongStateWhenLeaving
class: DetectWrongStateWhenLeaving
app_switch: input_boolean.detect_wrong_state_when_leaving
entities_off: "binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d000205b808,binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d00020499ad,\
message: "Du hast {} angelassen. Ich habe es für dich ausgemacht."
#message: "You left on {}. I turned it off for you"
message_off: "Du hast {} vergessen anzumachen. Ich habe es für dich angemacht."
#message_off: "You forgot to turn on {}. I turned it on for you"
message_reed: "Du hast {} offen gelassen."
#message_reed: "You left open {} Dummy."
message_reed_off: "Du hast {} zu gelassen."
#message_reed_off: "You left {} closed Dummy."
isHome: input_boolean.is_home
Monitor all events. Useful for debugging and developing
module: eventMonitor
class: Monitor
Monitors my Travel Time Sensors e.g. between home and work. I can enable an input_boolean in HA which causes this App to send me a notication as soon as the traffic is in an acceptable range. I use this drive to/from work when there is the least traffic.
module: travelTimeNotifier
class: TravelTimeNotifier
sensor: sensor.travel_time_home_from_work
notify_input_boolean: input_boolean.travel_time_home_from_work
notify_name: group_notifications
message: "Du kannst losfahren nach {}"
#message: "You can start your journey to {}"
Sets a sensor in Homeassistant which is checked by an automation. The automation sends out a notification if appdaemon does not respond.
Greet the person coming home with a notification
module: homeArrivalNotifier
class: HomeArrivalNotifier
app_switch: input_boolean.home_arrival_notifier_user_one
input_boolean: input_boolean.user_one_home
notify_name: group_notifications
user_name: Kevin
zone_name: Home
message: "Willkommen zu Hause {}."
#message: "Welcome Home {}."
Controls an input_boolean "isHome" which is used as a trigger for other Apps. The state depends on other input_booleans controlled by the isUserHomeDeterminer
module: isHomeDeterminer
class: IsHomeDeterminer
app_switch: input_boolean.is_home_determiner
ishome: input_boolean.is_home
input_booleans: input_boolean.user_one_home,input_boolean.user_two_home
message: "Es ist keiner mehr zu Hause. Setze isHome auf off"
#message: "Everyone left home. Setting isHome to off"
The GPS Logger tells me where someone is. But I want to know for sure who just came in the door. App to toggle an input boolean when a person enters or leaves home. This is determined based on a combination of a GPS device tracker and the door sensor.
- If the door sensor opens and the device_tracker changed to "home" in the last self.delay minutes this means someone got home
- If the door sensor opens and the device_tracker changes to "not_home" in the next self.delay minutes this means someone left home
module: isUserHomeDeterminer
class: IsUserHomeDeterminer
app_switch: input_boolean.is_user_home_determiner_user_one
input_boolean: input_boolean.user_one_home
device_tracker: person.kevin
door_sensor: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d000126a57b
Notify if a user is leaving a zone after being there for a certain amount of time. I use this to notify my SO that I am leaving work and driving home
module: leavingZoneNotifier
class: LeavingZoneNotifier
app_switch: input_boolean.leaving_work_notifier_user_one
device: person.kevin
user_name: Kevin
lingering_time: 3600
delay: 120
zone: Arbeit
notify_name: group_notifications
message: "{} hat {} vor {} Minuten verlassen."
travel_time_sensor: sensor.travel_time_home_user_one
travel_time_sensor_message: "Die momentane Reisezeit beträgt {}."
- Notifier
Turn something on/off when a motion sensor turns on. Automatically turn it off again after a delay.
module: motionTrigger
class: MotionTrigger
app_switch: input_boolean.bath_motion_trigger
sensor: binary_sensor.0x00158d000236b801_occupancy
entity_on: light.lower_bathroom_yeelight
entity_off: light.lower_bathroom_yeelight
sensor_type: zigbee2mqtt
after_sundown: True
turn_off_constraint_entities_on: binary_sensor.0x00158d0001fa464b_occupancy
delay: 300
Actually a wrong name. This will send me a notification when any device_tracker component detects a new device. I initally thought to use this as a security feature but found it quite useful when adding new Sonoff switches and such. I get a notification if the setup was successfull.
Version 1.2: Displays two buttons which let me control the internet access for the new device. The configured fritzbox standard profile denies internet access. With this I can easily allow my guests access to the internet without logging in to my fritzbox manually.
module: newWifiDeviceNotify
class: DeviceNotify
notify_name: group_notifications
message: "Unbekanntes Gerät entdeckt. Hostname: {}. MAC: {}."
#message: "Unknown device connected. Hostname: {}. MAC: {}"
Send me a notification when it is time to leave for my next appointment based on my current location. Inspired by this blog post.
- Selectable travel mode (car/bus/walk/bike)
- Only for google calendar events which have a location
- Adjustable offset when to notify
- Includes a direct Google Maps Navigation Link in Notification Message
Saved my ass quite a few times
module: nextAppointmentLeaveNotifier
class: NextAppointmentLeaveNotifier
sensor: sensor.calc_leave_time
notify_input_boolean: input_boolean.announce_time_to_leave
notify_name: group_notifications
input_number: input_number.leave_time_offset
destination_name_sensor: sensor.cal_next_appointment_location
travel_time_sensor: sensor.travel_time_next_appointment_location
message: "Es ist Zeit loszufahren nach {}. Du brauchst {} Minuten. Hier ist ein Google Maps Link: {}"
#message: "It's time to leave to {}. It will take {} minutes. Here is a Google Maps Link: {}"
Notify me of any event for a list of entities when no one is at home. For example a door being openend or a motion sensor triggered
module: notifyOfActionWhenAway
class: NotifyOfActionWhenAway
app_switch: input_boolean.notify_of_action_when_away
sensor: "binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d000126a57b,binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0001bb4d94,\
isHome: input_boolean.is_home
user_name: group_notifications
isHome_delay: 20
message: "Alarm: {} ist gewechselt auf {}"
#message: "Alarm: {} changed to {}"
Remind us to water the plants in the morning when the precipiation propability is too low. This uses a Telegram Chatbot. We can press a button in the notification to tell the App that we watered the plants. If we don't do that we get reminded again in the evening.
module: plantWateringNotifier
class: PlantWateringNotifier
app_switch: input_boolean.plant_watering_notifier
rain_precip_sensor: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability
rain_precip_intensity_sensor: sensor.dark_sky_precip_intensity
precip_type_sensor: sensor.dark_sky_precip
notify_name: group_notifications
user_id: secret! telegram_user_id
reminder_acknowledged_entity: input_boolean.persistence_plantwateringnotifier_reminder_acknowledged
message: "Die Regenwahrscheinlichkeit beträgt heute nur {}. Vergiss nicht die Pflanzen zu gießen!"
#message: "The Rain Propability is only {}. Don't forget to water the plants!"
message_not_needed: "Es wird heute mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von {} Prozent ungefähr {} Millimeter pro Stunde regnen. Du brauchst nicht selbst gießen."
#message_not_needed: "It will rain today {} millimeter per hour with a propability of {}. You don't have to water your plants"
message_evening: "Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob du vergessen hast die Pflanzen zu gießen, deswegen erinnere ich dich lieber noch einmal daran."
#message_evening: "I'm not sure whether you waterd your plants, so I thought I better remind you again"
Notify in the morning if any monitored pollen level is above a threshold.
module: pollenNotifier
class: PollenNotifier
app_switch: input_boolean.roggen_notifier
pollen_sensor: sensor.pollen_101_roggen_today
pollen_name: Roggen
notify_name: group_notifications
notify_time: 08:00
notify_threshold: 1.0
message: "{} ist {} {} Belastung."
#message: "The {} intensity {} is {}."
message_no_data: "Ich habe {} leider keine Daten für {}."
#message_no_data: "{} I have no pollen data for {}."
Notify when the Washingmachine or Dishwasher started/finished. Using power measured by TP HS110 Plugs like
module: powerUsageNotification
class: PowerUsageNotification
app_switch: input_boolean.power_usage_notification_dishwasher
sensor: sensor.dishwasher_power_usage
notify_name: group_notifications
delay: 1260 #21 minutes
threshold: 2
alternative_name: Die Spülmaschine
message: "{} ist gestartet."
#message: "{} just started."
message_off: "{} ist fertig."
#message_off: "{} just finished."
App which forwards all logs to seq. Blogged about this app in this post.
module: seqSink
class: SeqSink
server_url: "http://seq:5341/"
App which sets a thermostat to a target temperature for a specific duration
module: setThermostat
class: SetThermostat
app_switch: input_boolean.warm_bath_before_wakeup
isHome: input_boolean.is_home
time_entity: sensor.alarm_time
upfront_time: 60
duration: 60
climat_entity: climate.bad_thermostat
target_entity: input_number.warm_bath_before_wakeup
message: "Ich habe {} auf {} gestellt"
#message: "I have set {} to {}"
notify_name: group_notifications
use_alexa: False
- Notifier
App which sets a thermostat to a target temperature on state change.
module: setThermostatOnStateChange
class: SetThermostatOnStateChange
app_switch: input_boolean.set_upper_bath_thermostat_when_coming_home
trigger_entity: input_boolean.is_home
trigger_state: "on"
climate_entity: climate.bad_oben_thermostat
target_entity: input_number.set_upper_bath_thermostat_when_coming_home
message: "Ich habe {} auf {} °C gestellt"
#message: "I have set {} to {}"
notify_name: group_notifications
use_alexa: False
- Notifier
Set an input_boolean on/off. Used as a trigger for other Apps.
Also controlled by Alexa, guten Morgen
Alexa, gute Nacht
Will watch room sensor of users
module: sleepModeHandler
class: SleepModeHandler
app_switch: input_boolean.sleep_mode_handler
sleepmode: input_boolean.sleepmode
notify_name: group_notifications
message_sleeping: "Alle zu Hause sind im Bett"
#message_sleeping: "All home are in bed"
message_awake: "Alle zu Hause sind wach"
#message_awake: "All home are awake"
- sleep_mode: input_boolean.user_one_sleep
isHome: input_boolean.user_one_home
- sleep_mode: input_boolean.user_two_sleep
isHome: input_boolean.user_two_home
- Notifier
module: userSleepModeHandler
class: UserSleepModeHandler
app_switch: input_boolean.user_sleep_mode_handler_user_one
input_boolean: input_boolean.user_one_sleep
location_sensor: person.kevin
room: bedroom
duration: 600
module: userSleepModeHandler
class: UserSleepModeHandler
app_switch: input_boolean.user_sleep_mode_handler_user_two
input_boolean: input_boolean.user_two_sleep
location_sensor: sensor.mqtt_room_user_two
room: bedroom
duration: 600
Turns the Fan on when the temperature is above a configurable threshold and someone is in the room (find3)
module: turnFanOnWhenHot
class: TurnFanOnWhenHot
app_switch: input_boolean.turn_fan_on_when_hot
temp_sensor: sensor.large_lamp_temperature
threshold_entity: input_number.turn_fan_on_when_hot_threshold
location_sensors: sensor.location_user_one,sensor.location_user_two
room: Wohnzimmer
actor: switch.large_ventilator
delay: 120
As I sometimes restart HA when working on it from remote I turn the Bar lights to red with this script. This way everyone can see HA is currently unavailable. If it comes back up again this app will turn the light green and then off.
IN DEVELOPMENT Centralizes messaging. Among other things, it will determine whether a user is at home and if yes in which room.
Then Alexa in that room will be used additionally to Telegram
module: notify
class: Notify
media_player: media_player.denon_avr_x1300w
source: CBL/SAT
alexa_media_player: media_player.kevins_echo_dot_oben
- globals
First of all thanks to the Homeassistant Team and Andrew Cockburn for making Appdaemon
Some of the Apps are taken from the official examples and many based on or at least inspired by Rene Tode. For example his absolutely fantastic Alexa-Appdaemon-App.