- Main objective: Generate a unique trip identifier per vessel
- Attempt to label "whacky" points (all points are retained)
- Save each vessel trail profile for each year for downstream processing
- Further processing is done e.g. in:
- ~/prj2/fishydata
- Attempts to match trail and landings statistics by landing date
- ~/prj2/vms/ices_data_call
- ~/prj2/fishydata
- Further processing is done e.g. in:
Input: Data stored in Oracle Output: trail/stk-trails_yYYYY_vVVVV.rds Main script: rscipts/01_stk-trails.R Logs: see lgs/*_YYYY-MM-DD.log
Critical upstream code: ~/R/Pakkar2/omar/data-raw/00_SETUP_mobileid-vid-match.R
- Augment stk-data with pame and logbook-trails