Generate crystallographic lattice unit cells to be visualized with VTK.
usage: [-h]
[--quaternion q p1 p2 p3 | --axisangle a1 a2 a3 angle | --euler phi1 Phi phi2]
[--family {cubic,tetragonal,hexagonal}]
[--lattice {p,i,f,hcp}] [--slipsystems SLIPSYSTEMS]
[--plane] [--direction] [--no-unitcell]
[--position x y z] [--scaling SCALING]
[-a A] [-b B] [-c C]
[--alpha ALPHA] [--beta BETA] [--gamma GAMMA]
VTK model of oriented unitcell
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--quaternion q p1 p2 p3
orientation as unit quaternion
--axisangle a1 a2 a3 angle
orientation as axis and angle
--euler phi1 Phi phi2
orientation as z-x-z Euler angles
--family {cubic,tetragonal,hexagonal}
crystal symmetry
--lattice {p,i,f,hcp}
lattice type
--slipsystems SLIPSYSTEMS
list of slip systems to include
--plane plot slip planes
--direction plot slip directions
--no-unitcell omit unitcell
--position x y z coordinates of unitcell center
--scaling SCALING scale factor for unitcell coordinates
-a A unit cell a
-b B unit cell b
-c C unit cell c
--alpha ALPHA unit cell alpha
--beta BETA unit cell beta
--gamma GAMMA unit cell gamma
--degrees angles are given in degrees