pre-commit hooks to deny commits which don't conform to organizational YAML usage policies.
See also:
Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo:
rev: v1.3.0 # Use the ref you want to point to
- id: bannedk8skinds
- id: disallowunquoted
- id: valueregex
- --jmespath
- '*.matchers[].match'
- --regex
- '\([^ ]|[^ ]\)'
- --error-message
- Found parentheses too close together. Can haz fix plz?
Deny commits of certain Kubernetes object types.
- allow yaml files which use the multi-document syntax--kinds
- Specify a comma-separated list of Kubernetes object types which will be denied in a commit to the repo. Defaults toSecret
Deny commits where certain YAML values are found but not quoted.
- Specify a comma-separated list of YAML values to disallow. Defaults toon,off,yes,no,y,n
- Flag to turn off case insensitivity when searching for values. Operation defaults to ignore case.
Deny commits where certain YAML values are found and match a given regex. A JMESPath query is used in conjunction with a regular expression to match string values in YAML.
- JMESPath expression which returns the values to run a regex against. REQUIRED--regex
- Regex which will cause the hook to fail if it matches any of the values returned by the JMESPath query. REQUIRED--error-message
- Message to display when a match is found. This allows a more user-friendly message to be displayed for a given regex match.--allow-multiple-documents
- Allow YAML files which use the multi-document syntax