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Add strict traversal operations
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* Add `strictly` to turn a lazy (standard) traversal into a strict one
  that forces targets before installing them.
* Add `over'`, `iover'`, `modifying'`, `imodifying'`, and corresponding
  operators `%!~`, `%!@~`, `%!=`, and `%!@=`.
* Adjust documentation.
treeowl committed Dec 27, 2022


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1 parent dae984d commit ab7c984
Showing 4 changed files with 198 additions and 14 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Control/Lens/Combinators.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ import Control.Lens hiding
, (...)
, (#)
, (%~)
, (%!~)
, (.~)
, (?~)
, (<.~)
@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ import Control.Lens hiding
, (&&~)
, (.=)
, (%=)
, (%!=)
, (?=)
, (+=)
, (-=)
@@ -140,7 +142,9 @@ import Control.Lens hiding
, (<>~)
, (<>=)
, (%@~)
, (%!@~)
, (%@=)
, (%!@=)
, (:>)
, (:<)
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/Control/Lens/Internal/Setter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -49,6 +49,15 @@ instance Settable Identity where
taintedDot = (Identity #.)
{-# INLINE taintedDot #-}

-- CAUTION: While Data.Tuple.Solo may *look* a lot like Identity, and while we
-- *could* give it a Settable instance, we probably do not want to do so. In
-- particular, if we did, then Control.Lens.Traversal.over' would "work" with
-- Setters. But ... it wouldn't *actually* work; the mapping would end up being
-- lazy when it's supposed to be strict. Similarly, the BoxT applicative
-- transformer must not be made Settable, because that would cause a similarly
-- confusing problem with Control.Lens.Traversal.strictly. There is not, as
-- yet, any compelling reason to write such an instance, so let's not.

-- | 'Control.Lens.Fold.backwards'
instance Settable f => Settable (Backwards f) where
untainted = untaintedDot forwards
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/Control/Lens/Setter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -342,9 +342,12 @@ cloneIndexedSetter l pafb = taintedDot (runIdentity #. l (Indexed $ \i -> Identi
-- >>> over _1 show (10,20)
-- ("10",20)
-- Like 'fmap', @over@ is normally lazy in the result(s) of calling the
-- function, which can cause space leaks under some circumstances. For a strict
-- version, see `Control.Lens.Traversal.over'`.
-- function, which can cause space leaks in lazy fields, or when using
-- 'Control.Lens.At.ix' for value-lazy structures like 'Data.Sequence.Seq',
-- 'Data.Map.Map', 'Data.IntMap.IntMap', or 'Data.Array.Array'. For a strict
-- version, see `Control.Lens.Traversal.iover'`.
-- @
-- 'over' :: 'Setter' s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
@@ -1174,8 +1177,11 @@ ilocally l f = Reader.local (iover l f)
-- @
-- Like 'Data.Functor.WithIndex.imap', @iover@ is normally lazy in the
-- result(s) of calling the function, which can cause space leaks under some
-- circumstances. For a strict version, see `Control.Lens.Traversal.iover'`.
-- result(s) of calling the function, which can cause space leaks in lazy
-- fields, or when using 'Control.Lens.At.ix' for value-lazy structures like
-- 'Data.Sequence.Seq', 'Data.Map.Map', 'Data.IntMap.IntMap', or
-- 'Data.Array.Array'. For a strict version, see
-- `Control.Lens.Traversal.iover'`.
-- @
-- 'iover' :: 'IndexedSetter' i s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> t
185 changes: 175 additions & 10 deletions src/Control/Lens/Traversal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

#include "lens-common.h"
@@ -62,7 +67,6 @@ module Control.Lens.Traversal
, mapAccumLOf, mapAccumROf
, scanr1Of, scanl1Of
, failover, ifailover
, over', iover'

-- * Monomorphic Traversals
, cloneTraversal
@@ -114,6 +118,17 @@ module Control.Lens.Traversal
, imapAccumROf
, imapAccumLOf

-- ** Strict traversals
, over'
, (%!~)
, iover'
, (%!@~)
, modifying'
, (%!=)
, imodifying'
, (%!@=)
, strictly

-- * Reflection
, traverseBy
, traverseByOf
@@ -146,6 +161,8 @@ import Control.Lens.Lens
import Control.Lens.Setter (ASetter, AnIndexedSetter, isets, sets)
import Control.Lens.Type
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState)
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Class as MonadState
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.CallStack
import Data.Functor.Apply
@@ -167,7 +184,7 @@ import Data.Tuple.Solo (Solo (..), getSolo)
import GHC.Magic (inline)

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedStrings -XFlexibleContexts
-- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedStrings -XFlexibleContexts -XRankNTypes
-- >>> import Data.Char (toUpper)
-- >>> import Control.Applicative
-- >>> import Control.Lens
@@ -185,6 +202,9 @@ import GHC.Magic (inline)
-- >>> let firstAndThird :: Traversal (a, x, a) (b, x, b) a b; firstAndThird = traversal go where { go :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> (a, x, a) -> f (b, x, b); go focus (a, x, a') = liftA3 (,,) (focus a) (pure x) (focus a') }
-- >>> let selectNested :: Traversal (x, [a]) (x, [b]) a b; selectNested = traversal go where { go :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> (x, [a]) -> f (x, [b]); go focus (x, as) = liftA2 (,) (pure x) (traverse focus as) }

infixr 4 %!~, %!@~
infix 4 %!=, %!@=

-- Traversals
@@ -1471,25 +1491,170 @@ sequenceByOf l pur app = reifyApplicative pur app (l ReflectedApplicative)

-- | A version of 'Control.Lens.Setter.over' that forces the result(s) of
-- applying the function. This can prevent space leaks when modifying lazy
-- fields.
-- @
-- over traverse (const ⊥) [1,2] = [⊥, ⊥]
-- over' traverse (const ⊥) [1,2] = ⊥
-- @
-- fields. See also 'strictly'.
-- @
-- over' :: 'Lens' s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
-- over' :: 'Traversal' s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
-- @
-- >>> length $ over traverse id [undefined, undefined]
-- 2
-- >>> over' traverse id [1, undefined :: Int]
-- *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
-- ...
over' :: LensLike Solo s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
over' l f = getSolo . l (\old -> Solo $! f old)
{-# INLINE over' #-}

-- | Traverse targets strictly. This is the operator version of 'over''.
(%!~) :: LensLike Solo s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
(%!~) = over'
{-# INLINE (%!~) #-}

-- $
-- >>> :{
-- let lover' :: Lens s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
-- lover' l = over' l
-- tover' :: Traversal s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
-- tover' l = over' l
-- :}
-- >>> :{
-- let sover' :: Setter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
-- sover' l = over' l
-- :}
-- ...
-- ...error...
-- ...

-- | A version of 'Control.Lens.Setter.iover' that forces the result(s) of
-- applying the function. Alternatively, an indexed version of `over'`.
-- See also 'strictly'.
-- @
-- iover' :: 'IndexedLens' s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
-- iover' :: 'IndexedTraversal' s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
-- iover' :: IndexedLens i s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> t
-- iover' :: IndexedTraversal i s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> t
-- @
iover' :: Over (Indexed i) Solo s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> t
iover' l f = getSolo . l (Indexed $ \i a -> Solo $! f i a)
{-# INLINE iover' #-}

-- | Traverse targets strictly with indices. This is the operator version of
-- 'iover''.
(%!@~) :: Over (Indexed i) Solo s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> t
(%!@~) = iover'
{-# INLINE (%!@~) #-}

-- | Modify the state strictly. This is stricter than
-- @Control.Lens.Setter.modifying@ in two ways: it forces the new value of the
-- state, and it forces the new value of the target within the state.
modifying' :: MonadState s m => LensLike Solo s s a b -> (a -> b) -> m ()
modifying' l f = do
s <- MonadState.get
let !(Solo !t) = l (\old -> Solo $! f old) s
MonadState.put t
{-# INLINE modifying' #-}

-- | Modify the state strictly. This is an operator version of
-- 'modifying''.
(%!=) :: MonadState s m => LensLike Solo s s a b -> (a -> b) -> m ()
(%!=) = modifying'
{-# INLINE (%!=) #-}

-- | Modify the state strictly with an index. This is stricter than
-- @Control.Lens.Setter.imodifying@ in two ways: it forces the new value of the
-- state, and it forces the new value of the target within the state.
imodifying' :: MonadState s m => Over (Indexed i) Solo s s a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> m ()
imodifying' l f = do
s <- MonadState.get
let !(Solo !t) = l (Indexed $ \i old -> Solo $! f i old) s
MonadState.put t
{-# INLINE imodifying' #-}

-- | Modify the state strictly. This is an operator version of
-- 'imodifying''.
(%!@=) :: MonadState s m => Over (Indexed i) Solo s s a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> m ()
(%!@=) = imodifying'
{-# INLINE (%!@=) #-}

-- $
-- >>> :{
-- let liover' :: IndexedLens i s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> t
-- liover' l = iover' l
-- tiover' :: IndexedTraversal i s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> t
-- tiover' l = iover' l
-- :}

-- | Use an optic /strictly/. @strictly l f s@ will force the results of /all/
-- the targets of @l@ before producing a new value. It does not affect folds or
-- getters. Note that producing an optic using 'strictly' will not necessarily
-- produce one even nearly as efficient as what could be written by hand,
-- although it will do so in simple enough situations. Be particularly careful
-- when working over many targets in a functor other than the usual 'Identity'
-- or @'Const' c@; things may go very well or rather badly.
-- @
-- 'over'' l = 'Control.Lens.Setter.over' (strictly l)
-- 'iover'' l = 'Control.Lens.Setter.iover' (strictly l)
-- @
-- @
-- strictly :: 'Traversal' s t a b -> 'Traversal' s t a b
-- strictly :: 'IndexedTraversal' i s t a b -> 'IndexedTraversal' i s t a b
-- @
strictly :: (Functor f, Profunctor p, Profunctor q) => Optical p q (BoxT f) s t a b -> Optical p q f s t a b
strictly l f = rmap (fmap getSolo .# runBoxT) $ l (rmap (BoxT #. fmap (Solo $!)) f)
{-# INLINE strictly #-}

-- $
-- >>> :{
-- let tstrictly :: Traversal s t a b -> Traversal s t a b
-- tstrictly l = strictly l
-- itstrictly :: AnIndexedTraversal i s t a b -> IndexedTraversal i s t a b
-- itstrictly l = strictly (cloneIndexedTraversal l)
-- lstrictly :: Lens s t a b -> Lens s t a b
-- lstrictly l = strictly l
-- ilstrictly :: AnIndexedLens i s t a b -> IndexedLens i s t a b
-- ilstrictly l = strictly (cloneIndexedLens l)
-- fstrictly :: Fold s a -> Fold s a
-- fstrictly l = strictly l
-- :}
-- >>> :{
-- let sstrictly :: Setter s t a b -> Setter s t a b
-- sstrictly l = strictly l
-- :}
-- ...
-- ...Settable ...BoxT...
-- ...

-- | A very simple applicative transformer that gives us more control over when
-- things get forced. Note: this type /should not/ be made an instance of
-- @Settable@, because then users could accidentally use 'strictly' with a
-- 'Setter', which will not work at all. There is no way to strictify a
-- 'Setter'.
newtype BoxT f a = BoxT
{ runBoxT :: f (Solo a) }
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- The Contravariant instance allows `strictly` to be used on a getter or fold.
-- It's not at all obvious that this is *useful* (since `strictly` doesn't
-- change these at all), but it's also not obviously *harmful*.
instance Contravariant f => Contravariant (BoxT f) where
contramap f (BoxT m) = BoxT $ contramap (fmap f) m
instance Apply f => Apply (BoxT f) where
liftF2 f (BoxT m) (BoxT n) = BoxT (liftF2 (liftA2 f) m n)
{-# INLINE liftF2 #-}
instance Applicative f => Applicative (BoxT f) where
pure = BoxT . pure . Solo
{-# INLINE pure #-}
BoxT m <*> BoxT n = BoxT (liftA2 (<*>) m n)
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
liftA2 f (BoxT m) (BoxT n) = BoxT (liftA2 (liftA2 f) m n)
{-# INLINE liftA2 #-}
-- Caution: We *can't* implement *> or <* in terms of the underlying *> and
-- <*. We need to force the Solos, not discard them.

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