A utility for generating metadata describing Magic's config options
java -jar MagicMeta.jar output.json
Create a file called config.overrides.inc.php
and put it in your web root.
This file will look something like:
$magicRootFolder = '/home/minecraft/configs/Magic/';
$sandboxServerURL = 'sandbox.elmakers.com';
$resourcePackFolder = '/home/minecraft/packs/Magic/';
Containing anything you want to customize from the default config.inc.php
Copy the everything in the `web/`` folder to that same web root location.
The website requires PHP Yaml support. If you are running on Ununtu, this can be installed with the following commands:
sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev
sudo pecl install yaml
And then, as instructed, add the following line to your php.ini file:
Restart Apache and the website should work! .. Mostly
The website works by parsing your configurations. Copy the defaults files from your server, and the example configurations and resource pack files from this repository to your server, in the folders specified in the variables you set above.
scp -r ~/Server/plugins/Magic/defaults/* minecraft@server:configs/Magic/defaults/.
scp -r ~/Magic/src/examples/* minecraft@server:configs/Magic/examples/.
scp -r ~/Magic/src/resource-pack/* minecraft@server:packs/Magic/.
scp -r ~/Magic/src/main/resources/* minecraft@server:configs/Magic/.
scp -r ~/Magic/target/classes/examples/* minecraft@server:configs/Magic/examples/.
To be able to serve up images from the RP, you need to link it in your webroot, such as
ln -s /home/minecraft/packs/Magic/ /var/www/html/pack
There are also some symlinks in the repository in common/image, make sure they got deployed correctly.
The editor requires .htaccess file support on your server to process session URLs.
You can enable this in Apache with a config like this:
<Directory /var/www/html/editor/>
AllowOverride all