This repo contains my personal dotfiles and are heavily based on Addy Osmani.
git clone && cd dotfiles && ./
To update later on, just run the sync again.
sh installers/
The above will install / upgrade the core tools in use by the files in this repo (brew, nvm & sdkman).
sh installers/
The above will install various tools using brew.
sh osx-defaults
Toss it into a file called .extra
which you do not commit to this repo and just keep it in your ~/
- Drop bash support
- Fix auto complete for ssh, and kubectl
# This file goes under ~/.ssh/config
Host *
# Always use SSH2.
Protocol 2
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath /tmp/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r
ControlPersist 1800
Compression yes
TCPKeepAlive yes
ServerAliveInterval 20
ServerAliveCountMax 10
Hostname (Can be a DNS record as well)
User bender
IdentityFile /some/private/key/path
Match exec "nslookup %h | grep ''"
UserKnownHostsFile none