The module on npm
npm i chartjs-plugin-custom-legend
here, the legend items are images
they change by click/hover you need to pass the images to each dataset. as you can see I also added margin between the legend to the chart
let's see the code:
import {LegendHover, LegendClick, LegendBottomMargin} from "chartjs-plugin-custom-legend"
import { Chart as ChartJS, Legend } from "chart.js";
/// of the chart plugins
const dataset = {
label:"some label text",
data:[{y: 50, x: new Date()}],
// now here we give each dataset its legend item image
// the initial image, mostly you put the same image as the primaryImage
pointStyle: primaryIMAGE
//the image in its regular state.
primaryImage: primaryIMAGE
// the image in its selected state.
selectedImage: selectedIMAGE
// this is a must to track the latest image which is the primary image at initial.
lastImage: primaryIMAGE
// required only if you use hover plugin.
primaryHoverImage: primaryHoverIMAGE
selectedHoverImage: SelectedHoverIMAGE
// now only render the chart.
const BarChart = () => {
return <Bar options={{//whatever your options are...}} data={{datasets:[dataset]}} />;
export default BarChart;