24.5.0 (2021-01-30)
Bug Fixes
add theme min radius to point shape (#996 ) (eb37175 )
align tooltip z-index to EUI tooltip z-index (#931 ) (ffd626b )
chart state and series functions cleanup (#989 ) (944ac6c )
create unique ids for dot icons (#971 ) (e1ce768 )
external tooltip legend extra value sync (#993 ) (13ad05a )
legend: disable focus and keyboard navigation for legend in partition ch… (#952 ) (03bd2f7 )
legend: hierarchical legend order should follow the tree paths (#947 ) (f9218ad ), closes #944
legend: remove ids for circles (#973 ) (b3f4f90 )
cursor: improve theme styling for crosshair (#980 ) (6c4dafd )
legend: display pie chart legend extra (#939 ) (d14de01 )
legend: add keyboard navigation (#880 ) (87c227d )
partition: Flame and icicle chart (#965 ) (3df73d0 )
partition: legend hover options (#978 ) (f810d94 )
xy: support multiple point shapes on line, area and bubble charts (#988 ) (1392b7d )
You can’t perform that action at this time.