Note: The Elasticsearch transport client is officially deprecated in 7.0.0
and we highly recommend for users to move to the high level Java REST client.
Elasticsearch version | Branch |
7.x | master |
6.x | 6.x |
5.x | 5.x |
2.x | 2.x |
To run the example use mvn exec:java
$ mvn compile exec:java'username:password'
with your cluster id and REGION
with the region the cluster is started in.
If you want to build an uber-jar, a package which contains the code and all of the dependencies, use the following command:
$ mvn compile assembly:single
The package will be build under target/transport-example-VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Then you can run it:
$ java'username:password' -jar target/transport-example-VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar
By default, if IPv4 and IPv6 are both enabled then it is undetermined which will be used. The system properties -Dip4=true|false
and -Dip6=true|false
can be used to turn them on/off explicitly. If they are enabled then the network/host should support routing to the Cloud endpoint, e.g. this is not the case within Docker containers by default).