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[Resolver] Origin process (#72382)
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Co-authored-by: Brent Kimmel <>

* Center the origin node
* Nodes appear selected when they are selected. also the aria attributes are working.
* Reposition the submenu when the user pans.
  • Loading branch information
Robert Austin committed Jul 23, 2020
1 parent 09c04d6 commit 83639f9
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Showing 13 changed files with 214 additions and 139 deletions.
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import { IsometricTaxiLayout } from '../../types';
import { LegacyEndpointEvent } from '../../../../common/endpoint/types';
import { isometricTaxiLayout } from './isometric_taxi_layout';
import { isometricTaxiLayoutFactory } from './isometric_taxi_layout';
import { mockProcessEvent } from '../../models/process_event_test_helpers';
import { factory } from './index';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ describe('resolver graph layout', () => {
unique_ppid: 0,
layout = () => isometricTaxiLayout(factory(events));
layout = () => isometricTaxiLayoutFactory(factory(events));
events = [];
describe('when rendering no nodes', () => {
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* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
import * as vector2 from '../../models/vector2';
import {
Expand All @@ -17,14 +16,17 @@ import {
} from '../../types';
import * as event from '../../../../common/endpoint/models/event';
import { ResolverEvent } from '../../../../common/endpoint/types';
import * as model from './index';
import * as vector2 from '../vector2';
import * as indexedProcessTreeModel from './index';
import { getFriendlyElapsedTime as elapsedTime } from '../../lib/date';
import { uniquePidForProcess } from '../process_event';

* Graph the process tree
export function isometricTaxiLayout(indexedProcessTree: IndexedProcessTree): IsometricTaxiLayout {
export function isometricTaxiLayoutFactory(
indexedProcessTree: IndexedProcessTree
): IsometricTaxiLayout {
* Walk the tree in reverse level order, calculating the 'width' of subtrees.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,8 +85,8 @@ export function isometricTaxiLayout(indexedProcessTree: IndexedProcessTree): Iso
function ariaLevels(indexedProcessTree: IndexedProcessTree): Map<ResolverEvent, number> {
const map: Map<ResolverEvent, number> = new Map();
for (const node of model.levelOrder(indexedProcessTree)) {
const parentNode = model.parent(indexedProcessTree, node);
for (const node of indexedProcessTreeModel.levelOrder(indexedProcessTree)) {
const parentNode = indexedProcessTreeModel.parent(indexedProcessTree, node);
if (parentNode === undefined) {
// nodes at the root have a level of 1
map.set(node, 1);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,16 +145,19 @@ function ariaLevels(indexedProcessTree: IndexedProcessTree): Map<ResolverEvent,
function widthsOfProcessSubtrees(indexedProcessTree: IndexedProcessTree): ProcessWidths {
const widths = new Map<ResolverEvent, number>();

if (model.size(indexedProcessTree) === 0) {
if (indexedProcessTreeModel.size(indexedProcessTree) === 0) {
return widths;

const processesInReverseLevelOrder: ResolverEvent[] = [

for (const process of processesInReverseLevelOrder) {
const children = model.children(indexedProcessTree, uniquePidForProcess(process));
const children = indexedProcessTreeModel.children(

const sumOfWidthOfChildren = function sumOfWidthOfChildren() {
return children.reduce(function sum(currentValue, child) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,7 +234,10 @@ function processEdgeLineSegments(
metadata: edgeLineMetadata,

const siblings = model.children(indexedProcessTree, uniquePidForProcess(parent));
const siblings = indexedProcessTreeModel.children(
const isFirstChild = process === siblings[0];

if (metadata.isOnlyChild) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,8 +392,8 @@ function* levelOrderWithWidths(
tree: IndexedProcessTree,
widths: ProcessWidths
): Iterable<ProcessWithWidthMetadata> {
for (const process of model.levelOrder(tree)) {
const parent = model.parent(tree, process);
for (const process of indexedProcessTreeModel.levelOrder(tree)) {
const parent = indexedProcessTreeModel.parent(tree, process);
const width = widths.get(process);

if (width === undefined) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,7 +431,7 @@ function* levelOrderWithWidths(

const siblings = model.children(tree, uniquePidForProcess(parent));
const siblings = indexedProcessTreeModel.children(tree, uniquePidForProcess(parent));
if (siblings.length === 1) {
metadata.isOnlyChild = true;
metadata.lastChildWidth = width;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -479,3 +487,32 @@ const distanceBetweenNodesInUnits = 2;
* The distance in pixels (at scale 1) between nodes. Change this to space out nodes more
const distanceBetweenNodes = distanceBetweenNodesInUnits * unit;

export function nodePosition(model: IsometricTaxiLayout, node: ResolverEvent): Vector2 | undefined {
return model.processNodePositions.get(node);

* Return a clone of `model` with all positions incremented by `translation`.
* Use this to move the layout around.
* e.g.
* ```
* translated(layout, [100, -200]) // return a copy of `layout`, thats been moved 100 to the right and 200 up
* ```
export function translated(model: IsometricTaxiLayout, translation: Vector2): IsometricTaxiLayout {
return {
processNodePositions: new Map(
[...model.processNodePositions.entries()].map(([node, position]) => [
vector2.add(position, translation),
edgeLineSegments:{ points, metadata }) => ({
points: => vector2.add(point, translation)),
// these are unchanged
ariaLevels: model.ariaLevels,
23 changes: 7 additions & 16 deletions x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/resolver/store/actions.ts
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Expand Up @@ -69,12 +69,9 @@ interface AppDetectedMissingEventData {
interface UserFocusedOnResolverNode {
readonly type: 'userFocusedOnResolverNode';
readonly payload: {
* Used to identify the process node that the user focused on (in the DOM)
readonly nodeId: string;

/** focused nodeID */
readonly payload: string;

Expand All @@ -85,16 +82,10 @@ interface UserFocusedOnResolverNode {
interface UserSelectedResolverNode {
readonly type: 'userSelectedResolverNode';
readonly payload: {
* The HTML ID used to identify the process node's element that the user selected
readonly nodeId: string;
* The process entity_id for the process the node represents
readonly selectedProcessId: string;
* The nodeID (aka entity_id) that was select.
readonly payload: string;

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Expand Up @@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ import {
} from '../../../../common/endpoint/types';
import * as resolverTreeModel from '../../models/resolver_tree';
import { isometricTaxiLayout } from '../../models/indexed_process_tree/isometric_taxi_layout';
import * as isometricTaxiLayoutModel from '../../models/indexed_process_tree/isometric_taxi_layout';
import { allEventCategories } from '../../../../common/endpoint/models/event';
import * as vector2 from '../../models/vector2';

* If there is currently a request.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +71,21 @@ const resolverTreeResponse = (state: DataState): ResolverTree | undefined => {

* the node ID of the node representing the databaseDocumentID.
* NB: this could be stale if the last response is stale
export const originID: (state: DataState) => string | undefined = createSelector(
function (resolverTree?) {
if (resolverTree) {
// This holds the entityID (aka nodeID) of the node related to the last fetched `_id`
return resolverTree.entityID;
return undefined;

* Process events that will be displayed as terminated.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,13 +333,45 @@ export function databaseDocumentIDToFetch(state: DataState): string | null {

export const layout = createSelector(tree, function processNodePositionsAndEdgeLineSegments(
/* eslint-disable no-shadow */
/* eslint-enable no-shadow */
) {
return isometricTaxiLayout(indexedProcessTree);
export const layout = createSelector(
function processNodePositionsAndEdgeLineSegments(
/* eslint-disable no-shadow */
/* eslint-enable no-shadow */
) {
// use the isometric taxi layout as a base
const taxiLayout = isometricTaxiLayoutModel.isometricTaxiLayoutFactory(indexedProcessTree);

if (!originID) {
// no data has loaded.
return taxiLayout;

// find the origin node
const originNode = indexedProcessTreeModel.processEvent(indexedProcessTree, originID);

if (!originNode) {
// this should only happen if the `ResolverTree` from the server has an entity ID with no matching lifecycle events.
throw new Error('Origin node not found in ResolverTree');

// Find the position of the origin, we'll center the map on it intrinsically
const originPosition = isometricTaxiLayoutModel.nodePosition(taxiLayout, originNode);
// adjust the position of everything so that the origin node is at `(0, 0)`

if (originPosition === undefined) {
// not sure how this could happen.
return taxiLayout;

// Take the origin position, and multipy it by -1, then move the layout by that amount.
// This should center the layout around the origin.
return isometricTaxiLayoutModel.translated(taxiLayout, vector2.scale(originPosition, -1));

* Given a nodeID (aka entity_id) get the indexed process event.
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50 changes: 18 additions & 32 deletions x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/resolver/store/reducer.ts
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* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
import { Reducer, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { htmlIdGenerator } from '@elastic/eui';
import { animateProcessIntoView } from './methods';
import { cameraReducer } from './camera/reducer';
import { dataReducer } from './data/reducer';
import { ResolverAction } from './actions';
import { ResolverState, ResolverUIState } from '../types';
import { uniquePidForProcess } from '../models/process_event';

* Despite the name "generator", this function is entirely determinant
* (i.e. it will return the same html id given the same prefix 'resolverNode'
* and nodeId)
const resolverNodeIdGenerator = htmlIdGenerator('resolverNode');

const uiReducer: Reducer<ResolverUIState, ResolverAction> = (
uiState = {
activeDescendantId: null,
selectedDescendantId: null,
processEntityIdOfSelectedDescendant: null,
state = {
ariaActiveDescendant: null,
selectedNode: null,
) => {
if (action.type === 'userFocusedOnResolverNode') {
return {
activeDescendantId: action.payload.nodeId,
const next: ResolverUIState = {
ariaActiveDescendant: action.payload,
return next;
} else if (action.type === 'userSelectedResolverNode') {
return {
selectedDescendantId: action.payload.nodeId,
processEntityIdOfSelectedDescendant: action.payload.selectedProcessId,
const next: ResolverUIState = {
selectedNode: action.payload,
return next;
} else if (
action.type === 'userBroughtProcessIntoView' ||
action.type === 'appDetectedNewIdFromQueryParams'
) {
* This action has a process payload (instead of a processId), so we use
* `uniquePidForProcess` and `resolverNodeIdGenerator` to resolve the determinant
* html id of the node being brought into view.
const processEntityId = uniquePidForProcess(action.payload.process);
const processNodeId = resolverNodeIdGenerator(processEntityId);
return {
activeDescendantId: processNodeId,
selectedDescendantId: processNodeId,
processEntityIdOfSelectedDescendant: processEntityId,
const nodeID = uniquePidForProcess(action.payload.process);
const next: ResolverUIState = {
ariaActiveDescendant: nodeID,
selectedNode: nodeID,
return next;
} else {
return uiState;
return state;

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27 changes: 12 additions & 15 deletions x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/resolver/store/selectors.ts
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Expand Up @@ -144,26 +144,15 @@ export const relatedEventInfoByEntityId = composeSelectors(
* Returns the id of the "current" tree node (fake-focused)
export const uiActiveDescendantId = composeSelectors(
export const ariaActiveDescendant = composeSelectors(

* Returns the id of the "selected" tree node (the node that is currently "pressed" and possibly controlling other popups / components)
* Returns the nodeID of the selected node
export const uiSelectedDescendantId = composeSelectors(

* Returns the entity_id of the "selected" tree node's process
export const uiSelectedDescendantProcessId = composeSelectors(
export const selectedNode = composeSelectors(uiStateSelector, uiSelectors.selectedNode);

* Returns the camera state from within ResolverState
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,6 +240,14 @@ export const ariaLevel: (

* the node ID of the node representing the databaseDocumentID
export const originID: (state: ResolverState) => string | undefined = composeSelectors(

* Takes a nodeID (aka entity_id) and returns the node ID of the node that aria should 'flowto' or null
* If the node has a flowto candidate that is currently visible, that will be returned, otherwise null.
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