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OpenTelemetry Collector Components

OpenTelemetry Collector Components is a collection of components of the OpenTelemetry Collector that were created at Elastic.

Code of Conduct



This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license.

Building a collector with a custom component

In order to build a collector with a custom component, e.g. for testing purposes, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the manifest.yaml file:
    • Add the component you want to test to the proper component section. For example, if you are testing a processor, add it to the processors section.
    • If you are testing a non-published version of the component, add an entry to the replace section, pointing to the local path of the component's source.
  2. Build the collector through the genelasticcol target of the root Makefile. Make sure to provide GOOS and/or GOARCH environment variables if you are building for a different platform. For example, when building on macOS in order to run through the Linux Docker image that is built by the builddocker make target (see next bullet) - use the following command:
    GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=0 make genelasticcol
    The resulting binary will be placed in the _build directory.
  3. In order to build a Docker image with the collector, run the builddocker target of the root Makefile. This target requires the environment variable TAG to be set. The resulting image will be tagged as elastic-collector-components:<TAG>. You may also specify the USERNAME environment variable to name the image as <USERNAME>/elastic-collector-components:<TAG>. For example:
    make builddocker TAG=v0.1.0 USERNAME=johndoe