This is just a POC of a db driven scheduling service using RUST. There are many use cases that are not covered or are not desireable. Use it at your own risk!! Here is a list I could think of: i.e
- if the service stops -- it just fires all past missed events (not desirable in some cases, should be configurable)
- start an event in the future -- there but not tested
- deleting an event -- events can't be deleted yet, which means event without an end date will keep going forever, there is a need for an overall event management
- accuracy is 1 second + network latency
- install sea-orm-cli if needed
$ cargo install sea-orm-cli
- run the migration
$ sea-orm-cli migrate -u <DATABASE_URL>
- adding the option
on the above command drops and reapplies the schema
- fluid
-f [filename]
- defaults to
- if no configuration is provided it defaults to
(schedule an event)
"expression": "30:s",
"endpoint": ""
"finish": "2023-3-13T14:12:10", -- optional
(test an event)
format {number}:{period}
Y = year
M = month
D = day
h = hour (24 hour format)
m = minute
s = second
= 5 minutes15:D
= 15 days
Call back URL query string parameters (GET)
- name = name of the task
- time = time of the task
- db : db entities (automatically generated)
- common: common code between all modules
- fluid: api
- generator: reads tasks from the db and create events
- processor: reads events from the db and fires webhook events
- migrate: sea-orm db schema