This repo contains details for our paper: "S2Contact: Graph-based Network for 3D Hand-Object Contact Estimation with Semi-Supervised Learning" (ECCV 2022)
This document contains detailed instructions for installing the necessary dependencied for S2Contact.
Create and activate a conda environment
conda create -n s2contact python=3.8 conda activate s2contact
Install PyTorch and PyTorch3D
conda install -c pytorch pytorch=1.7.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 conda install -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge fvcore iopath conda install pytorch3d -c pytorch3d
Install PyTorch-Geometric Please following this installation instructions
Install Other dependencies
pip install git+ open3d tensorboardX pyquaternion trimesh transforms3d chumpy opencv-python
Download MANO Model Download the MANO model files ( from MANO website.
mano/webuser/ mano/models/MANO_RIGHT.pkl
- Quick Demo
python network/ --split=demo --model=dgcnn python network/ --split=demo --model=dgcnn python network/ --split=demo --model=dgcnn --vis
- To release pseudo labeled dataset.
- Upload paper to arXiv.
This repo is built upon ContactOpt. We would like to thank their authors for providing great frameworks and toolkits.
Zhongqun Zhang (email:
Tze Ho Elden Tse (email:
Feel free to contact me if you have additional questions.